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  1. sean48183

    No skimmer=More polyp extension??

    Not to mention if something happens in your tank like kid drops soap in or something dies a skimmer eats that stuff up pretty quickly. It might be the difference between catastrophic loss or minimal loss. I wouldn't run a tank without one.
  2. sean48183

    Does Chaeto Really Remove Nitrates?

    Check out this thread-
  3. sean48183

    Noisy Maxi-jet mod?

    figured out thanks. rubber bumper was rubbing the shroud so I switched it out with the original propellers bumper which must have been slightly smaller and no problems. Thanks
  4. sean48183

    @@@@check Out My Reef@@@@@@@@@

    Tank looks great. How do you keep the silicon corners in your tank so clean for a tank that is 5 years old. My corners are covered in corralinne like crazy
  5. sean48183

    Noisy Maxi-jet mod?

    sure flow 1600 by algae free
  6. sean48183

    Noisy Maxi-jet mod?

    Has anybody else had problems with their maxi-jet mods being to noisy? Mine makes like a buzzing sound that is really annoying. Has anybody figured out a way to stop this? I love the cirlculation but this noise is driving me crazy.
  7. sean48183

    Does Chaeto Really Remove Nitrates?

    I do a water change once per month. Algae scrubs my water senseless. Water changes are a pain and expensive. Use algae. Its cheap!
  8. sean48183

    155G w/ two Dwarf Angels Fighting

    I told you it would work out. Your flame will heal up and be fine in a couple weeks. The blenny is just chasing something to chase something. Good exercise IMO. In time all we'll be great. Enjoy the new addition and happy reefing!
  9. sean48183

    BTLDReef's 155G Update

    Thanks. I will try the net trick. I would like the ocellaris pair to take to it but i would settle for the tomato. Right now the female ocellaris will huddle over it but now go into it. GRRRR! Oddly enough my big tomato and ocellaris share the same corner of the tank. The tomato chases my tangs...
  10. sean48183

    My Puffer has gone insane

    At least he's eating that's a good sign but something has him stressed out. FOr a puffer to not eat something is wrong. I didn't see this mentioned but you may have covered it. What's your ph?
  11. sean48183

    Does Chaeto Really Remove Nitrates?

    forget chaeto, dsb, vodka or whatever. You need hair algae brother. Not in your main tank but somewhere in a sump or something where you can clean it out once a week and remove all the fish crap that it has used to grow. I use an algae scrubber in my sump and my nitrates are around 5 ppm and...
  12. sean48183

    minimum tank size for a blue tang ?

    Way good on a hippo. Go get one.
  13. sean48183

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    Stunning! I would be in that thing everyday diving around. Plans look awesome. Like the above tank sitting area. Always like looking down at fish on the reef. You have any fish in the fish farm currently? Also what are some of the local fish you get on the reefs there? Have to be some beautiful...
  14. sean48183

    BTLDReef's 155G Update

    What happened to the rbta? Didn't see it in the new pics but maybe missed it? Was just curious if your ocellaris ever went into it? I have a gbta and none of my clowns want anything to do with it. I have a big tomato and a ocellaris pair and nobody wants it.
  15. sean48183

    ADEE's 125

    Bummer about the ray. You got any picks of your tank? Like to see how it is progressing.
  16. sean48183

    My Puffer has gone insane

    Did you just scrape algae off the glass? My fish do this for a couple days after I scrape glass. Normal stuff. Do you have any other fish in the tank? Are they doing the same thing?
  17. sean48183

    155G w/ two Dwarf Angels Fighting

    Is your tank a 4, 5, or 6 ft tank. I have a rusty and heraldi in my 150g that have been together for 2 years and have had no problems other than the occasional tail slap. I did get a little lucky in that when I added the yellow he went to the opposite side of the tank of the rusty and made that...
  18. sean48183

    Help me with lighting my Soon to be New Reef

    I would try to get the pendants with the actinics mixed in or just get a fixture or fixtures with everything(halides, actinics and blue leds for moonlighting). Can make more of a sun up to sun down effect and turn off halides from time to time for cloudy day effects or to knock down algae.
  19. sean48183

    minimum tank size for a blue tang ?

    Agree with small triggers. Bigger tangs should have a minimum of 6ft tank and at least 18" wide tank.
  20. sean48183

    Naso/Blonde Naso Tang

    They should be fine in a tank that size except a little tail slapping when they run across each other occasionally. 14 fish is not too many as I have 17 in my 150g and have had as many as 20. Good filtration is the key and mixing fish of the same tempermant which most of your fish are. Also if...