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  1. sean48183

    Wrasse and Emporer Angelfish

    The wrasse will for sure give the emperor a hard time. Being as he is the only one in the tank he probably thinks of that as his territory. Rearranging the rocks will help. I added a 7" emperor (here he was RIP) that my 6" lunar ripped up so bad he lost an eye. The emperor developed some type...
  2. sean48183

    should i get an emporer angel?

    Emperors are slow growers but I would say a 6" emperor would need at least a 125g or so. 6' long and at least 18" wide. If you buy one as a juvenile they don't fully change from what I understand. There was a guy on one of the forums who documented his emperor over a 3 year span and he never...
  3. sean48183

    damels with a bad rap

    I have a 4 year old 4 stripe and yellow tail and they are the most docile fish in my tank. My tomato on the other hand GRRRRRRRRRR! It is a 150g with some much bigger more aggressive fish though.
  4. sean48183

    Is this a queen or blue angel

    I don't know- looks like the crown is beginning to form to me. I think it is a queen but again it is hard to say at this stage.
  5. sean48183


    I think your wish list is fine and that order should work fine. It is not too many fish by my standards but I have around 17 in my 150g. I would add an algae scrubber to go along with your skimmer though. Will really help remove some of the crap in your water.
  6. sean48183

    How does everybody clean their water storage containers for auto top off?

    It is a mildew smell. Could be from the lid. The reason I leave it on is to keep the kids from messing around in it. I think I will try leaving it off and see what happens. Bleach is ok to use. It dries to NaCl or table salt. I also add some declorinator to the water after I do it just to be...
  7. sean48183

    Feeding Sheets Of Nori - Angel Eats It All In Seconds (need advice)

    Turnip greens are good. I also split 2 sheets and put them on seperate clips one at each end.
  8. sean48183

    How does everybody clean their water storage containers for auto top off?

    That could be but I was wondering if maybe the can is leaching into the water something. Since it is just a regular trash can and not food or water storage safe.
  9. sean48183

    How does everybody clean their water storage containers for auto top off?

    Thank you. Are just using a trash can? Does yours get a funky smell after a couple weeks also.
  10. sean48183

    How does everybody clean their water storage containers for auto top off?

    I am using just a 32 gallon trash can for water storage for auto top off and it gets funky after a couple weeks. I have been just using bleach to clean it every couple weeks but was wondering if this is the way everyone else does it.
  11. sean48183

    DILEMMA...Please help me

    what size tank do you have them in? If it is the 225 then I wouldn't worry about it too much. Plenty enough room for fish to clear out. I have a big ole nasty tomato in my 150 who loves doing some nipping but the fish have plenty enough room to roam so it is no problem. Ironically I have 2...
  12. sean48183

    crushed coral w/ eels

    No sweat I have snowflake and he actually moves the cc around his huge conch shell that he lives in. Will not bother them what so ever.
  13. sean48183

    4 inch hermit crab

    Big hermits are great. I have kept them for years and despite being called not reef safe have never had one eat any of my soft corals(which is all I keep). I even keep small fish with them and they are way to slow to catch a fish. I don't even mess with the small hermits as the big ones do a way...
  14. sean48183

    last few fish for 125

    As the only tang I think a sohal would be fine especially if you start with a small one. I agree with srfisher on the trigger thing. I have had humu in the wild try to attack ME when I romed into it's territory. Will sooner or later be a very nasty fish. There are are only a handful of fish I...
  15. sean48183

    Bored! few pics

    I wouldn't worry too much about it. The humu will be fine. Nothing wrong with a little cat and mouse.
  16. sean48183

    To those of you with a trigger and a tang...

    Use 2 clips with smaller sheets on them and put them on different ends of the tank. While the trigger is at one end- the tang will go to the other end or once the trigger eats one sheet he probably won't eat the other one when he finds out it is something he really didn't like. I used this...
  17. sean48183

    Pseudocromis - how many?

    IMO 4 in a 125 would be fine actually. I added a dwarf angel to a 150g after another had been in there for a year when everyone said it could not be done. I have had a purple psuedo going on 4 years now and he is defensive but not really aggressive. I would say try it and see what happens. My...
  18. sean48183

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Alright just tested NO3 and ta da! 0 NO3! Awsome. Still have some hair algae in display but appears to have slowed down. My scrubber is still getting mostly brown slime and some green. Don't really care. It is working. Have to clean every couple days because it is growing so fast. Anyone who is...
  19. sean48183

    Caribbean Biotope

    Looks like a good start except I don't think any of those are from the carribean. I know the blue devil isn't.
  20. sean48183

    royal gramma killed pep shrimp?

    Probably. My purple psuedo killed a peppermint I had by picking at him all the time. I think he was biting peices off one at a time.