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  1. sean48183

    minimum tank size for a blue tang ?

    A blue should be fine in there for quite some time if not for life. Even though IMO these are some of the faster growing tangs due to their more varied diet(Eat everything including some hair algae) they will not reach full size in captivity. I have a 6 year old sailfin that I bought at around...
  2. sean48183

    Naso/Blonde Naso Tang

    I think your stock list is fine and could even go more if your not keeping corals(which I assume you are with that stock list). Like -- said Naso's get around 5". If you buy one around that size you should be able to keep him for a long time if not for the fishes full life. Saltwater fish only...
  3. sean48183

    Reef tank vs. Aggressive

    I like both and my tank is a mix of both. I have easy to keep softies with a big lunar wrasse and snowflake eel as well as a bunch of reef safe fish. As soon as some of these corals grow out more I will probably add an emperor angel(had one about a year ago but my lunar took him out). It is...
  4. sean48183

    maroon clown fish

    Like -- said they are territorial. My tomato doesn't chase my fish all the way across the tank just basically in front of his spot. Mostly just the tangs which I assume he thinks are butterflies(which are the mortal enemy of the clownfish). Since I have 3 decent size tangs it is spread out...
  5. sean48183

    can a naso live with... please check my current list and critique

    I appreciate what ophiura is saying but respectfully disagree. Most saltwater fish only reach half their wild size in captivity. I have sailfin tang that is 5 years old and is only 7" long and reach 15" in the wild. Your Naso more than likely bought at around 4" will only reach about 9" in...
  6. sean48183

    maroon clown fish

    they are very aggressive and will chase everyone in your tank. I have a 5" tomato that spends his whole day chasing EVERYONE in my tank including much larger tangs and even my big lunar wrasse. Actually does more damage to himself from the tangs scapels. Has plenty of battle scars. The other...
  7. sean48183

    aggresive psuedochromi

    Interesting your bicolor would act this way. I have a purple psuedo that is 4 years old and are claimed to be aggressive but has never acted this way. He could always handle himself as far as defending himself but was never aggressive. He was in a 55g for 2 years with my sailfin tang, tomato...
  8. sean48183

    Chromis fish are a waste!

    started with seven ended up with 0 after about a year. Actually think my tomato clown finished them off but couldn't really tell you.
  9. sean48183

    Fish growth

    Flowers theory is sound. My lunar wrasse and my tomato clown and snowflake eel which are the more aggressive eaters have grown at a more rapid rate than my other fish which are tangs, dwarf angels, percula clowns etc One other thing is that ocean dwelling fish get so much more food than tank...
  10. sean48183

    can a naso live with... please check my current list and critique

    You should be fine getting a small to medium size naso tang. The sebae may give it a little bit of the business like my big tomato gives my naso but no harm. Naso's are very slow growers like all saltwater fish. I have had mine for a year and half and he has grown maybe 3 inches and I feed heavy.
  11. sean48183

    Tang List

    Do you plan on adding all these fish at adult size, medium size, small size? The size of the fish makes a difference. All those fish at adult size would work but might be cramped. At small size plenty of room and could even add other fish. I know people will argue that you have to plan on adult...
  12. sean48183

    Wrasse and Emporer Angelfish

    Nice keep up the good work and let us know the progress as it goes.
  13. sean48183

    post your fish list!

    150g with sump in the basement. Filtration is Octo 300 recirc skimmer and an algae scrubber 2 year old fish: snowflake eel lunar wrasse Hippo tang Naso tang heraldi angel mated pair ocellaris 3year old fish: 4 stripe damsel 2 chromis blue w/yellow tail damsel 4 year old fish purple psuedo...
  14. sean48183

    Just bought this Naso...What do you think??

    I went through hell trying to get my naso to eat. Didn't eat for 2 weeks and started to look skinny. I did the same thing and added it to the display. It still didn't eat well(Only formula 2 flakes for some reason.) Wouldn't touch the seaweed sheets even though my other fish were tearing up. So...
  15. sean48183

    Snowflake Eels and growth

    Mine is 2' long and lives in a big conch shell in my 150g. Wraps his long fat body up in this shell somehow. He would be fine for space in your 30g but waste and water quality might be a problem.
  16. sean48183


    There is a 7" clown and a 7" humu at my lfs that get bought and brought back every 2 weeks. They have lowered the price on both of them to just about giving them away. Every owner says the same thing. "Terrors" Been tempted to buy them myself but just haven't had the kahunas. When you put your...
  17. sean48183

    trumpet fish anyone ever owned one

    Swam with these guys in the wild a bunch of times. They actually lay vertically inside staghorn corals and sea fans and stuff and actually look like part of the coral. Pretty cool fish.
  18. sean48183

    HELP: Really Strange Stuff In There

    The first pic looks like Bryopsis which is a type of turfy nuisance algae. In moderation not bad. Can take over if it gets enough nutrients. Second pic is hard to tell but could be some kind of spongy thing. Doesn't look to harmful but see if shows up on any corals.
  19. sean48183

    Wrasse and Emporer Angelfish

    Oh and KJR -I was not aware that sunsets were less docile then lunatic wrasses so there may not a be a problem there. Next time I add a fish my lunar is going in the sump for a couple days.
  20. sean48183

    Wrasse and Emporer Angelfish

    Crypt Keeper the problem is getting them to 10 inches from 3 inch juvi status. These guys are SLOW growers. If you get an inch or 2 a year you will be lucky. There is just no way in a tank to produce the amount of sponge these guys would eat in the wild. So basically after about 3 years you...