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  1. sean48183


    Everyone is going to ask the same question-what size tank? If you have all those other tangs already I am assuming you have a 200g tank already. Powder blues are very aggressive to other tangs so you should be careful adding that one.
  2. sean48183

    Fish are dying!

    Have you tested for ammonia or ph problems lately? Both of those are big culprits for mystery deaths. Also did you stick your hand in the tank with anything on them. I always wash my hands with plain warm water and dry them off real good with a towel before I stick my hands in the tank.
  3. sean48183

    Time to let go

    That lion is miniture isn't it. I don't think the fuzzy's get very large so a bi color blenny would probably be fine. Yeah my snowflake is pretty cool but does hide way too much
  4. sean48183

    Koran Angel in with a small humma humma and small GS Maroon clown

    Remember to QT though. Angels carry flukes and other parasites real easy. Also keep an eye on him when you add him. Your humu probably will not be too fond of him
  5. sean48183

    Koran Angel in with a small humma humma and small GS Maroon clown

    No worries. It will be fine. In time your Maroon will be one mean SOB. I have a large tomato and he is very, very nasty. Constant chasing of all fish. Koran will be a nice addition.
  6. sean48183

    T5 vs MH lighting

    Hows the growth with t5 bulbs? MH's really make things grow nicely. For me MH look better also with the shimmering effect.
  7. sean48183

    SFE not eating

    Sorry to hear about this. These things happen. They are generally very hardy animals so I wouldn't hesitate getting another one.
  8. sean48183

    110 gallon soft reef...PICTURES!

    Not bad but you need some corals with color. Green, purples, pinks that sort of thing
  9. sean48183

    Docile GS Maroon?

    Give it time. Give it time. You'll see.
  10. sean48183

    My Snowflake Eel Is not eating??

    I wouldn't worry about the garlic. Never has worked for me. Go to your grocery store and get fresh RAW shrimp. Cut a peice the size of his head or a little bigger and put on some kind of feeding stick. I used a skewer at first but now use some rigid air tube with a stick rubberbanded to it...
  11. sean48183

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Also does the light go right on the acrylic lid. Could have salt creep problems which will hinder light also. Looks pretty good other than that.
  12. sean48183

    Corallimorphs Spreading Fast

    How do they look? Even they are ugly nuke them. If they look cool let em be.
  13. sean48183

    help with a hermit crab

    Yeah there are all types of hermits but most of the ones I have had even the large ones don't mess with corals other than walking across them every once in a while.
  14. sean48183

    Carpet Anemone Requirements. Help!

    Good Idea. Anenomes seem to really thrive under MH lighting.
  15. sean48183

    Pics of my Tank

    How do you feed that hermit without the eel and trigger messing with it. My eel and lunar never let him eat and he eventually croaked.
  16. sean48183

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Update on nitrates. Just checked this morning and they are around 10ppm. Awsome. Unfortunately still have alot of hair algae in Display but am hoping in the next couple weeks it will start to die off. Might scrub them today and do water change and hope it starts road to recovery. Anyways we...
  17. sean48183

    algae blenny question

    I suppose you can read alot of things. I lived it. Very sad to watch him wither away.
  18. sean48183


    I don't believe puffers release toxins. That is just if you eat it. I think box fish do. Are you running a skimmer right now? Let your skimmer run a few days then do a 50% water change and you should be back in business. Always wash your hands with just plain warm water before you stick them in...
  19. sean48183

    upgrading tanks

    Do you have an old hob filter you can put on it temporarily. That way you can let it sit for a couple weeks with the base rock and few peices of live rock. You will need some kind of light for the live rock. Not much but a little something. I always keep a NO fixture with a 50/50 bulb just for...
  20. sean48183

    algae blenny question

    They do not eat hair algae. They like the tannish fine algae that you see on actual reefs. Mine died within 2 months. Just wouldn't take to any foods. Should be banned IMO. Too many starve as well as people wasting money thinking there hair algae will be demolished.