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  1. jakebtc

    Odyssea Jebo 260 Watt Power Compact

    philg what did you use for the insets on the doors? Baking sheets??? I really like it
  2. jakebtc

    reef safe shrimps

    rsd sexy shrimps have to be fed starfish about once a week or bi-weekly correct?
  3. jakebtc

    cyno bacteria

    use the search feature for cyano bacteria many threads on it
  4. jakebtc

    sump size for 55?

    for that size you want at least a 20 gal for sure maybe up near 30 I did the buy a tank and add baffles it worked real good for me
  5. jakebtc

    150W MH on 12gal. Too much?

    many people on here have the 70 on the 24 and are happy and there are some with the 150 on the 24 and are super happy and it looks really well with the 12 IMO I would not go with the 150 your more likely to be limited on what you can not keep rather than what you can and your heat and evap may...
  6. jakebtc

    Water Change question.

    I think I know what you meant by this.. lol if you mark the tank or sump with a chaulk line where the 5 gal "or whatever you take out per water change" is on your tank, then you can still use the python to just dump the water down your drain and you know when to stop "when it gets to the set...
  7. jakebtc

    Water Change question.

    I have those 5 gal buckets with handles that most lfs have/sell/loan I own about 5 of em I turn off my top off unit and take out 5 gallons of water while vacuuming the gravel into a 5 gal bucket then take my pre mixed 5 gal of salt water from the lfs and siphon it back into my sump and plug my...
  8. jakebtc

    help the n00b out, Lights again

    If it were me, I'd look into getting 2x250 watt halides with 14,000k or 20,000k bulbs and no other supplements or 2 Jebo Odyssea 4x65 watt power compact kits from that famous auction site for around 250$ shipped and then if for some reason you decide you don't want to be a reefer someone will...
  9. jakebtc

    Too Much Light?

    it's totally up to you but IMO you don't need more then 10 watts a gal for anything at you tank depth
  10. jakebtc

    help algae???

    looks like cyano bacteria do some searching in the posts
  11. jakebtc

    Deep sea gargonian

    I don't have one but I've read that people put in zoo or phyto right near them to feed them "shoulder shrug"
  12. jakebtc

    question about a tank overflowing

    ghola if you can you should take a couple pics of the setup then we all could probably help ya. but from what I just got from your last post it may be that your drain and pump just may not be matched to each other or that the pump needs the flow rate adjusted pics help alot
  13. jakebtc

    lighting for refugium

    max you think the freshwater one would be better then the marine one with actinic then? been back in forth on it
  14. jakebtc

    lighting for refugium

    many people I've seen use regular old incandescent bulbs to light thier fuge with no problem and they weren't even close to a plant growing color temp or high wattage maybe someone else knows it might be something else but when you get that other light I would see if that does the trick for sure
  15. jakebtc

    question about a tank overflowing

    if you have a U shape drain tube that is upside down on the edge of your aquarium taking water out and sending it to a wet/dry or sump I would look in it to see if there is air trapped in it. if you have a drilled tank "hole in the glass" with water running through it this probably isn't the problem
  16. jakebtc

    lighting for refugium

    I'm not sure, and I don't know how deep or large it is but it sounds like overkill I was going to get one of those lil 9 watt x 2 power compact for my lil 5 gallon fuge for macro algaes wich I think is pretty good but unless you have like a 30 gallon tank used for your fuge it sounds like a...
  17. jakebtc

    Float Valve with gravity feed

    if this is sold as "aquarium" float switch it most likely is non electric wich would make that air line tubing (in this case the water feed line) if its just some float switch not nessecarily for just aquariums then it may be electric and in that case you'll want to look for a blueprint or...
  18. jakebtc

    Float Valve with gravity feed

    I can't quite tell from the pic but I'm thinkin that thats a regular old gravity fed float switch you need to drill a hole in your sump at the level you want your water to stay at.. then when the level drops that opens and allows water to flow through it until the level raises back up in this...
  19. jakebtc

    Metal Halide question for 240 gal reef

    are you making an open type drop up/down hood (using pulleys or something) or planning on using pendants?
  20. jakebtc

    Float Valve with gravity feed

    search for ultralife float switch on google or something theyre easy to setp up, no drilling, all you do is stick the sensor to the tank plug a cheap power head into the outlet and get a cheap bucket from wal mart, couple feet of hose from home depot or lowes, your set if you have an extra...