sounds like you probably should not add anything more except corals IMO
do you have any problems having 2 arrows together, or do they just stay at seperate sides of the tank?
this may be one of the tougher ones then never know
putting water in it for a lil while to kind of let it soak may help a fair bit if it's tough
like pre soaking very dirty dishes before using the good ole' elbow grease
most likely cleanable, but if he used it for cichlids there may be many...
I've seen those acrylic aquariums that come with huge like 4" or so tunnels built in between 2 main tank sections and was wondering how well it would work for animals to get through if they would even use it and how the flow would be and stuff
but this idea sounds very interesting
some people have used regular vinegar and a rag on it with great success
some have to use razor blades and water, and some can't get it off for anything
Water in some locations actually contains nitrates. In some places, water contains elevated concentrations of phosphates (1 ppm or more). High phosphate has been linked to algae problems, and a comprehensive algae control strategy may require removing phosphates. High levels of dissolved metals...
A couple people I know that have had tanks for years "fresh water"
are set in thier ways and use tap water and let it set for anywhere from 1-2 months making it "distilled" water but the best way IMO is to get ro/di from someone you either know with one or buy it from your local fish store
539 gallons???
go to and click the calculators link on the left side of the page
then click on the tank water volume calculator, underneath calculators
that will help you out
the only time I've ever had shrooms have dis colored blotches like that is when either a good sized rock has fallen on it and scuffed it pretty bad or when I have cut one into four pieces to propagate it and it is right in between dying or re generating :thinking:
sounds like maybe ammonia but probably phosphates would be your biggest worry if not algae??? sounds like you have your head on straight lol I wouldn't worry too bad
don't be surprised if you have a
load of algae here in the next couple weeks lol
may take a while to work out but you should be ok
don't go nuts on water changes though
just a lil more frequent normal ones this is my opinion
may sound funny to some but a 29 gal kit from wal mart is pretty cheap and all you would need equipment wise to add would be a skimmer after a couple months and a better light some day
live sand, live rock, saltwater and inhabitants
the plastic top right
or the brass bottom left
would both do you well
but you dont even need one that is a "valve"
it could be a simple threaded L shaped fitting
with threads on one side to go in whatever bucket and a barbed fitting on the other side to fit in the air line tubing