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  1. moneyman

    Cheapest way to cool your tank!!!

    ditto here ... I rotate a few 2L soda bottles.
  2. moneyman

    Measuring pH of your lawn soil

    Thanks ruaround, I took the plunge and measured my soil. The pH was 5.9. Time for me to add some lime to my lawn.
  3. moneyman

    Calibration fluid

    The title of the article is: 'Reef Aquarium Salinity: Homemade Calibration Standards' ... google it :)
  4. moneyman

    Measuring pH of your lawn soil

    Has anyone tried this using a kit meant for your aquarium? I am thinking of mixing soil from my lawn and RODI water. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes then measure the mixture with a probe.
  5. moneyman

    proposed law on piracy a bit extreme?

    Or worst. You get 10 years for something your kid's friend download onto your computer. There are MPAA/RIAA fingerprints all over the proposal. Haven't they threaten enough kids with their cease-and-desist letters.
  6. moneyman

    Stamps go up today!

    Originally Posted by larryndana ups, dhl, fedex, and whoever else still need our address to send us something. they get this from the post office. which one would want to take that over, i'd imagine none of them. Good point... USPS will be an organization that manages street addresses like...
  7. moneyman

    r/o unit

  8. moneyman

    Stamps go up today!

    Originally Posted by shogun323 I disagree and see the opposite. With the emmergence of E-commerce I dont see how the post office is doomed. Ever see how many packages from ---- go through the post office? What about everything purchased via the internet? It all gets shipped somehow. Sure, Email...
  9. moneyman

    Stamps go up today!

    News flash - You'll need 2 forever stamps in 2010 to send a letter.
  10. moneyman

    ro water alk problem

    Get Kent Turbo Calcium (dry pellets) and some baking soda. The B-Ionic solution is too diluted to raise calcium/alkalinity unless you want to dose 4 oz per day for a 75 gallon tank.
  11. moneyman

    i need video camara help.

    Originally Posted by LazyPinoy WinDV? is that downloadable content? WinDV is a fully functional freeware - not adware or crippleware. WinDV is a 'capturing' program only. You still need Vegas, Premiere, or others to edit your clips.
  12. moneyman

    i need video camara help.

    On my Sony Camcorder, I can only upload pictures using USB. I have to use a Firewire to move movies around. I use WinDV to transfer the movie from camcorder to computer.
  13. moneyman

    Calcium "REMOVER"

    I had a huge calcium build-up that bursted the tubbing of my kalk dosing pump. Ever since, I just cut the end off once a while because vinegar didn't remove enough of it.
  14. moneyman

    B-Ionic and auto topoff water

    Originally Posted by maxalmon One of my tanks has an auto topoff with a reservoir that holds about 2g of water, can both the A and B part to the this reservoir? no - there's a reason why they are in their own container. Like reefreak29 said, they'll cancel each other out. Then, all you'll be...
  15. moneyman

    Calcium and baking soda??

    Originally Posted by ifirefight I am currently adding a calcium supplement and some baking soda to my top off water everyday to keep my levels in check... Adding these together in top off water .....will these precipitate eachother out??? Or is it fine to do this.... I havent had a problem as of...
  16. moneyman

    Proper Calibration of a Refractometer

    Once a year or so, I make a DIY calibration fluid using table salt and a 2L coke bottle. Look for that article written by Randy Holmes-Farley.
  17. moneyman

    Flood detector work for RO water?

    I went to Home Depot and bought one. It even detected my RODI. Hmmm... thinking my 0 TDS RODI is not so pure, my TDS meter is a tad off, or the $20 HD instrument is super sensitive. Thanks gwh... Originally Posted by gwh57 The brand that I have does.
  18. moneyman

    Flood detector work for RO water?

    Does one of those water/spill detector detect RO (< 10 ppm on the TDS meter) water spill? I fill up a 5 gallon jug for human consumption. I cant put any float switch into the jug fearing contamination. I cant store the water in a garbage container. Do I have any other choices? Many times, I...
  19. moneyman

    Asm Skimmers

    Proud owner of a G3 here. Performace:Cost ratio is awesome.
  20. moneyman

    Magnets to hold powerheads...

    I use 'Algae Free Sure Grip'. It is around $25.