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  1. moneyman


    While M$ still rolling out the Zune, Apple is already onto the iPhone. In 5 years, when M$ introduces an iPhone clone, Apple will hit them with something big again. I am not putting my money on M$. That company has been on idle since the the mid 90s. BTW: I am not an apple computer fan...
  2. moneyman

    Instant Ocean

    Originally Posted by larryndana so basically never use IO for reef keeping and by a good salt so you don't have to dose with that much stuff. IO + a dash of Turbo Calcium + a cup of my DIY magnesium brew = good salt.
  3. moneyman

    advanced questions, for me anyway

    Originally Posted by trillyen if i get my cal under control, will that inturn help my mag??? or do i have to get my mag up 1st Raise mag level to ~1300 ppm first. Originally Posted by trillyen i may need to change my salts its ok to just switch correct??? Yes, it is okay to switch. Just do a...
  4. moneyman

    New Chemical Monochloramine

    Monochloramine = chloramine I think your LFS is trying to sell you something you already have.
  5. moneyman

    advanced questions, for me anyway

    Originally Posted by trillyen what is, and how can you tell if you have calcium carbonate build up on heaters or something will it build up on titanium heaters or glass heaters??? You might have low magnesium. With low Mg, I think calcium will first precipitate on any hot object such as heater...
  6. moneyman


    Alk of 2.6 meq a on the low end of the 'normal' level. Try to keep between 2.5 - 3.5 for your FOWLR.
  7. moneyman

    Lighting question?????

    What are the 2 bulbs you have now? You like color of those?
  8. moneyman

    Food question

    It is possible and cost effective. However, it is very time consuming. There are a few threads on here with DIY phytoplankton culturing stations. Hatching brineshrimp from eggs is easy. Raising brineshrimp is a challenge. Breeding brineshrimp is nearly impossible.
  9. moneyman

    Where do you get calcium hydroxide to make kalkwasser?

    Originally Posted by Hefner413 Where can you get it??? thanks Some grocery stores have them... It's called pickling lime. The brands are Mrs Wage or Balls. Look for them in the canning section.
  10. moneyman

    wavemaker design

    Are you trying to duplicate the Ocean Motion or SQWD?
  11. moneyman

    phosphate reactor

    I dont know if you know this ... but the reactor can be placed anywhere. It does not have to be hung on the aquarium. Also, those ferric oxide grandulars are best in the reactor. However, you can put them in a mesh bag and place the bag into your aquarium.
  12. moneyman

    Can the sun rise twice in one day?

    I have 2 VHOs and 2 MHs. Due to heat issues, my controller cycle the MH about twice during the 6 hour photoperiod. My tank has been doing this for 2 summers now. I call it the cloud feature. Hmmm... If I dose top off during that time, I can call it the rain feature...
  13. moneyman

    RO or DI

    Originally Posted by Kube OK here the situation the culligan at walmart is a ro filter and the water dispencer at the local store is a DI filter, which is better?? Kube It is incredibly co$tly to run water through a DI unit alone. I bet your local store DI water is really RO/DI.
  14. moneyman

    Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Tap Water Purifier

    Originally Posted by Hogs On average, how many US gallons will one cartridge make before it's tossed? Thanks! My tap water is around 250ppm and I made about 50 gallons. That was before I hook my TWP to my RO unit. Now, I get years of usage on my 90 gallon tank.
  15. moneyman

    PH Low! Is it time for Kalk?

    Originally Posted by rmahnick There are look alike oil on top of DT? that sign of too much Carbon Dioxide? An oil film on top of the DT will hinder gas exchange. The oil film can lead to low oxygen and high carbon dioxide.
  16. moneyman

    PH Low! Is it time for Kalk?

    Is your top open or covered by a piece of glass/acrylic? Is there an oil-film at the water line? What's your tank size? flow rate? Using what pumps? Take a cup of tank water to an open window. Agitate it using an airpump and some tubing. Measure the pH of the sample after an hour. If your pH...
  17. moneyman

    Does 1mm on a hole in glass make a difference?

    oh, my bad... You definitely can do it. I think the hole can be up to 2".
  18. moneyman

    Does 1mm on a hole in glass make a difference?

    Originally Posted by nietzsche I want to order a diamond hole saw bit that's 45mm and I looked online for a bulkhead that's 1 3/4"(44.45mm). Before I do anything, will it work? probably... if not, you can always use the hole saw to grind an extra 0.55mm.
  19. moneyman

    Private messages now work!

    whhhhoaaaaaaaaaaaa... we got new forum... i didn't even know it.
  20. moneyman

    RO/DI water has LOW pH

    Originally Posted by azfishgal pH 8.1 Alk 5.26 (dKH 14.7) So now how do I raise the ph without raising the Alk, because as of right now, isn't it to high?! pH is fine. Alk will drop. Check your calcium level. Only H2O evaporate from your tank. So, you only want to pour H2O back into your...