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  1. moneyman

    First Test: Seachem ?s

    Ammonia testing is done using mg/L unit. When a liquid is water, 1 ppm = 1 mg/L. meq/l is only used to measure alkalinity. Ammonia level reported by test kits is ammonium (NH4+) + free ammonia (NH3). Ammonium is harmess to fish because it stay within the water. On the other hand, free...
  2. moneyman

    extremely high nitrate levels ???

    Mechanical filters trap food. Without cleaning-crew getting to the food, they will breakdown into nitrate. You are using live rocks, therefore, you can remove all those mechanical filters and sponges. Else, make sure to turn them off when feeding. 10% water change will bring your 100 ppm...
  3. moneyman

    ASM G2 and G3 owners

    I have a G3. I adjust mine so I empty a 3/4 collection cup weekly. The fluid is dark and the side is caked. I think your G2 is working as designed. Filling a collection cup daily is too agressive, IMO.
  4. moneyman

    Received emails from a kicked off member

    Originally Posted by earlybird Anyone else get these emails. I forget his forum name and probably shouldn't post it anyway. He emails me the same info in the beginning that he has experience blah blah blah and was kicked off SWF. Is it just me getting these emails? I though the admin...
  5. moneyman

    turbo calcium vs kalkwasser mix

    Originally Posted by davidmwj Oh yeah, and Moneyman was in that thread too and helped me. ;-) Thanks lol - I will be post-count rich giving these advices :) I am glad that worked for you.
  6. moneyman

    turbo calcium vs kalkwasser mix

    Originally Posted by jrthomas40 my alk tested at 11dkh, i have started using reef crystals and i do about a 15-20 gallon water change (90gallon) every 2 weeks Your alk/cal is not in equilibrium. You can add a ton of balanced additive (kalk, both parts of 2-part solution) and your levels will...
  7. moneyman

    turbo calcium vs kalkwasser mix

    You need to test alkalinity and magnesium. If your alk is high, dosing both parts of ESV B-IONIC will not raise your calcium. If your mag level is low, your alk and calcium will be low too. What salt are you using? How often do you do water change? Use turbo calcium for it is a lot more...
  8. moneyman

    Perhaps an unusual skimmer question...

    Originally Posted by rbaldino I've got an AquaC Remora skimmer that pulls quite a lot of gunk out of my tank. Over the course of a few days, I can see that this is helping to lower the water level in my tank. Now here's my question... Is the skimmer pulling out saltwater, or does the skimming...
  9. moneyman

    Alkalinity is to fix...

    Calcium and alkalinity are like boys and girls in the bar. They hold hands and go off somewhere together. In our tanks, that somewhere is the skeleton of corals, coralline algae, etc. If you just add boys (calcium) , all the girls (alkalinity) will be taken. Eventually, you'll just have a...
  10. moneyman

    Calcium, buffer, and now Kalk Drip?

    There is now a guy that sell these chemicals for reefers who cant find them locally. Google up "two part solution".
  11. moneyman

    chromis question

    I am from a school that think w/o predators, the strong chromis will pick on the weak. I attempted a school of 6 chromis twice. Each time, I am left with just a pair after a month. Then, just one chromis after a few months.
  12. moneyman

    Calcium, buffer, and now Kalk Drip?

    You can drip kalk if you like. However, your work will outweigh the benefit. Kalk solution is a lot less concentrated than your Kent Liquid Calcium and SuperBuffer. Get yourself Kent Turbo Calcium. It is a solid and a lot more potent then the liquid calcium. You only need 2.3 oz of this...
  13. moneyman

    Can a 20L back glass be drilled?

    You can reduce the noise by making a Durso standpipe. You can cap the end with a drilled pvc endcap and/or pvc segment.
  14. moneyman

    Calcium, buffer, and now Kalk Drip?

    For you to raise cal from 350 to 400, you'll need 8oz of Kent Liquid Calcium. That's 1/2 the 16 oz bottle. I don't know the concentration of Superbuffer, but I assume it to be similar to baking soda. You most likely need to add about 2 oz to bring 1.7 meq to 3.5 meq.
  15. moneyman

    question on dripping kalk

    You put 1 tsp kalk powder into a gallon of fresh RODI water (Or, .5 tsp for .5 gal water). That is your make up water. Drip that water into your aquarium.
  16. moneyman

    how to plug in my ground probe?...

    Originally Posted by peckhead and not do anything with the part that hangs off? Yes. You can plug your GP to a power strip that is plugged into a GFCI. And, leave your eyelet alone.
  17. moneyman

    how to plug in my ground probe?...

    Originally Posted by peckhead so i really dont even need to do anything with it? i can plug it into the gfci outlet that i installed into the wall and let the little metal piece hang? and im curious as to why everyone says not to plug a ground probe into a outlet that isnt gfci? even though its...
  18. moneyman

    how to plug in my ground probe?...

    Originally Posted by peckhead ok so what do i do with teh little hanging metal circle? take the screw out and put it in the circle and screw it back in? do i need to turn the power off? my gfci isnt a plug, its teh actual outlet... The hanging eyelet is used if you dont have an extra outlet to...
  19. moneyman

    72 volts in my tank!!!

    But, 60 Hz alternating current does generate a magnetic field, which can travel through media such as rubber insulator for the pump and wire. And, that magnetic field does create voltage in the salt water.
  20. moneyman

    tomb of jesus

    Originally Posted by socal57che Translated and changed are two different issues and I think people like to use them in place of one another to achieve a desired result. The New Testament as a whole was assembled later. From earlier documents. There is a fragment of theGospel of John that is...