Search results

  1. reefer123

    yellowhead moray??

    i don't know, but it looked like this
  2. reefer123

    yellowhead moray??

    are they hard to keep? what do you fed them? and what would be a good size tank for one? my LFS had one in and it was the coolest fish ever. ***) thanks.
  3. reefer123

    which SEIO???

    well i already have a aqua clear 400gph pump and a 200gph pump so if i get the seio 820 i will have about 22x the flow. would that be enough?
  4. reefer123

    which SEIO???

    which seio power head should i get for my 65g reef (4' long)? i am going to have some monti's. should i get the 620 or the 820? the 620 puts out 620gph and the 820 puts out 820gph which one? thanks.
  5. reefer123

    AquaC Remora Protein Skimmers?

    my remora is preety loud, it sounds like a sink running, so i have it on a timer to turn it off at night.
  6. reefer123

    New additions to the tank

    yes me to littlebuck, send me the site.
  7. reefer123

    What else can I put in my 90 gallon??

    to keep anemonies your going to have to get metal halide lights. so don't get it.
  8. reefer123

    AquaC Remora Protein Skimmers?

    very reliable,easy and takes out alot of junk. excellent skimmer.
  9. reefer123

    Macroalgae Not Thriving

    yes i would also like to know what problems it causes when it goes sexual.
  10. reefer123


    i saw at my lfs they had two barracudas for sale. they were $40 each and were about 8" long, with very big sharp teeth. are they hard to take care of? does anyone have one of these, or had one? thanks.
  11. reefer123

    little red swimming worms???

  12. reefer123

    little red swimming worms???

    i was just looking in my reef, with a flashlight and all of these little red swimming worms swam into the light. they are about 1/8-1/4" long and they kind of look like bristle worms but are smaller and swim. they look kind of like a parasite, should i be worried? they might be flatworms, but i...
  13. reefer123

    clown trigger pics

    wow, you have had a clown trigger for 6-8 months in a ten (10) gallon????? :scared: what are you going to upgrade him into? i am suprised he hasn't eaten all of your fish.
  14. reefer123

    Post your pics!!!

    also is that bamboo shark, and the ray hard to keep? what kind of ray is that? what do you feed them? sorry for all the questions, i am thinking of setting up a 180 right now and don't know what to put in it? thanks.
  15. reefer123

    Post your pics!!!

    hey mitzel, what kind of filtration do you have? what kind of skimmer?
  16. reefer123

    My Nano 12 DX

    that last pic looks like a fireworm :notsure: , and those eat corals. might want to get it out of there.
  17. reefer123

    trigger compadibility???

    will all of these get along in a 180 gallon? (6x2x2) 1-male blue jaw trigger 1-femaleblue jaw trigger 1-humu humu trigger 1-niger trigger 1-rectangular trigger 1-white tip trigger 1-zebra eel will they get along they will all be about 1-2" long.
  18. reefer123

    what to put in the sump?

    can i see some people's sump design and what do you guys put in it? thanks.
  19. reefer123

    180gallon fish ideas???

    bump, any other opinions?
  20. reefer123

    180gallon fish ideas???

    is there any other fish that could go in there?