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  1. reefer123

    setting up shark tank

    hey Nmocean, does that bamboo swim around alot, or does it just sit on the bottom alot? also what other fish do you have in there with him? also can you post a full tank shot?? thanks.
  2. reefer123

    blue dot grouper??

    are these good hardy fish for a 240 gallon? also which is the best grouper that will always swim around and not just hide? :help:
  3. reefer123

    Which do you like better?

    isn't the garibaldi damsel a cold water fish?
  4. reefer123

    A few new coral pics

    i love those zoos!! nice work
  5. reefer123

    Pics/Vid of newest tank

    Nice Mtv Inferno music in the background. lol
  6. reefer123

    Hump day pics

    Nice colors
  7. reefer123

    Never ending story...

    to find a...
  8. reefer123

    lets see some gobys!!!

    cool gobies everyone!!
  9. reefer123

    What's a Frag?

    sps frags are pieces broken off of a mother colony used to trade or start other colones in your tank.
  10. reefer123

    Protein Skimmer Required?

    i don't have a skimmer on my 65 reef. and everything is perfect. all i have is 11 mangroves.
  11. reefer123

    sting rays

    so all 4 are in the 220? what other fish are in there?
  12. reefer123

    Took a couple pics today

    what kind of lights??
  13. reefer123

    Please Help With My Shark!!!!

    what size tank do you have?
  14. reefer123

    bamboo shark compadibility

    what about a green moray or a tessa?
  15. reefer123

    sqamosa or derasa clam under 260 watts of pc?? which is better looking???

    you cann't really keep a clam under that low of light. i would go with a deresa because it doen't need as much as the other one you listed. and if you plan on keeping one place it high up on the rocks to get as much light as possible. good luck
  16. reefer123

    bamboo shark compadibility

    ok well can you tell me some good swimming fish, to add? thanks.
  17. reefer123

    240 aggressive or reef

    i have a 240 (8x2x2) tank and i don't know what to make it out of. Reef or Aggressive
  18. reefer123

    240 aggressive

    i posted this wrong, sorry. lol
  19. reefer123


    after a minute of drying you just put it in a spot that has enough flow and light.
  20. reefer123

    Black Powder??

    does anyone use it??? bump