i have a 240 gallon tank and i want to make a sump out of my old 65 gallon tank and i don't know what to fill it with?
bio-balls or live rock and live sand?
what would be the best/hardy stingray to get?
i have seen the blue dot, and the california one?
and how hard is it to take care of?
by the way i have a 240 gallon (8x2x2)
ok i just got a 240 gallon tank with the stand and canopy.
i want to keep the following:
2-bannded cat sharks
1-smothhound shark or Epaulette Shark
1-volitan lion
1-miniatus grouper
what would be the best filtration?
and what would be the best skimmer?
and what else would i need?
i want to get a zebra moray for my 65g reef, would that be cool?
would it eat smaller fish? i have heard they don't eat fish?
would it be ok with cleaner shrimp?
and any other info on them?
i want to know if it is ok to keep pre-mixed saltwater in a tank for water changes?
i will keep it with a powerhead and a bubbler, for aration.
it's going to be in a 30g tank with nothing.
will it go through a cycle stage, or stay the same?
hi want to know if i can use the real ocean water as a water change?
i live in california, close to the ocean.
would it have all the right calcium levels?
and will it be safe???