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  1. reefer123

    What kind of polyps are these

    those are mini feather dusters all over the snail. i have those all over.
  2. reefer123

    live rock or bio-balls??

    i have a 240 gallon tank and i want to make a sump out of my old 65 gallon tank and i don't know what to fill it with? bio-balls or live rock and live sand?
  3. reefer123


    hey sharkguy, what other fish are in there? and what type of filtration do you have in the 240?
  4. reefer123


    what would be the best/hardy stingray to get? i have seen the blue dot, and the california one? and how hard is it to take care of? by the way i have a 240 gallon (8x2x2) thanks.
  5. reefer123

    mandrove roots

    magroves are sooo easy to grow . all you have to do is put them in the sand and thats it. there is no lighting need, just wipe salt off their leafs.
  6. reefer123

    240 Gallon Tank.

    would all of these fish go together alright and can i add anything else? what would be the best filtration method?
  7. reefer123

    240 Gallon Tank.

    ok i just got a 240 gallon tank with the stand and canopy. 8x2x2 i want to keep the following: 2-bannded cat sharks 1-smothhound shark or Epaulette Shark 1-volitan lion 1-miniatus grouper what would be the best filtration? and what would be the best skimmer? and what else would i need? thanks.
  8. reefer123

    Maui, Hawaii

    when i went last year i went out on a boat like 20 miles and i saw a Hawaiian Dragon Eel. it was amazing!!! we went off of hiku.
  9. reefer123

    if you were to buy a car today

    Lotus Elise
  10. reefer123

    My Reef Tank

    what kind of lights do you have?
  11. reefer123

    Clam Help Please.

    i have a 60 gallon reef also and i have 2x250 halides. i also want to know if i can keep one?
  12. reefer123

    zebra moray?

    i want to get a zebra moray for my 65g reef, would that be cool? would it eat smaller fish? i have heard they don't eat fish? would it be ok with cleaner shrimp? and any other info on them? thanks.
  13. reefer123

    water change?

    i want to know if it is ok to keep pre-mixed saltwater in a tank for water changes? i will keep it with a powerhead and a bubbler, for aration. it's going to be in a 30g tank with nothing. will it go through a cycle stage, or stay the same?
  14. reefer123

    how long do i leave my lights on for?

    i have a 65g reef and i just got 2x250watt 15k metal halides, with no other lights. what would be a good time to come on and turn off? :notsure:
  15. reefer123

    Ocean Water

    hi want to know if i can use the real ocean water as a water change? i live in california, close to the ocean. would it have all the right calcium levels? and will it be safe??? thanks.
  16. reefer123

    LR lbs for my 125gallon and some in the sump maybe

    that is a really good amount. i have 200 in my 100 g and it's almost more than enough.
  17. reefer123


    a 65 gallon
  18. reefer123

    Clam Killers

    what kind of fish and inverts does it have in the tank?
  19. reefer123


    hi i just got 2x250watt halide fixtures with 14k bulbs and i want to keep a colorful but easier acropora? what kind would that be? thanks.