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  1. reefer123

    240 stocking list!!!

    oh yah the tank is 8x2x2
  2. reefer123

    240 stocking list!!!

    alright i want to add the following, will these go together? 1-bannded cat shark 1-tessa eel 1-zebra eel 1-panther grouper 1-blue dot grouper 1-harqulin tusk 1-green chromis would any of these fight, or not get along, or is it going to be ok? any other suggestions will be really cool. thanks...
  3. reefer123

    cured rock question????

    if it is being shipped then yes there will be die off in the process. you will have to cure it befor it goes into your main tank. good luck.
  4. reefer123

    My Little Reef

    what size tank? and what kind of lights?
  5. reefer123

    anyone have any montipora digita frags???

    bump??? anyone??
  6. reefer123

    anyone have any montipora digita frags???

    i have a 65 reef and have 2x250 watt 14k halides, and i want some frags of montipora digitas? or any easier to keep sps frags. does anyone have anything? thanks.
  7. reefer123

    Moving A Tank?

    what size is the tank?
  8. reefer123

    arrow crabs???

  9. reefer123

    Filteration for Agressive Tank?

    hey escape, what do you have over the top of your tank to keep the eel from getting out?
  10. reefer123

    arrow crabs???

    thanks for all the responses!! what do you feed them and how often?
  11. reefer123

    Setting up my 115 and need some advice :o)

    what do you mean by enough light of everything? you won't be able to keep sps or clams.
  12. reefer123

    arrow crabs???

    can i get an arrow crab for my reef, or will it eat the my inverts?, or vise versa? :help: i have the following: 5 green chromis 1 OC clown 1 cleaner shrimp 3 RL hermits 2 BL hermits 3 emerald crabs this is all in a 65g tank. :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure:
  13. reefer123

    Need advice on Metal Halides

    go with the 14k, i have 2x250 watt halides with just the 14k bulbs and no other light, over a 65 gallon, and it is perfect.
  14. reefer123

    Normal Fluorescent Bulbs

    post a full tank shot!!!
  15. reefer123

    how many watts for 55g?

    bubble tips need metal halide lighting, pc is not enough.
  16. reefer123

    DIY Live Rock Pics

    do not use clay! it will leach a lot of silica into your tank.
  17. reefer123

    Glass top on tank?

    yes take the top off.
  18. reefer123

    some 70 gallon tank shots

    nice tacoma, is that a 6" with what, 35s?
  19. reefer123

    what do you like best 10k 14k or 20k

    i have 2 250 watt 15k bulbs on my 65 reef and i like it so much. not to much blue, and not to much yellow. i got sent the 10k and hated it so much, the whole tank was all a nasty yellow color, but then again i am not using actinics. i would go with the 15k :cheer:
  20. reefer123

    should i dip new zoos?

    just aclamate them and watch them grow. why would you have to dip them? :notsure: