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  1. sh00tist

    what should I buy next?

    For sure get a high end skimmer if you are looking to keep sps. Get a nice name brand(do some research)and you will never have to mess with it or regret the purchase. if you get a nice skimmer it will become obvious to you that the old one is just wasting electricity. As far as flow you can add...
  2. sh00tist

    How to set up reef ready tank

    The 2 holes in your overflow box are both for 'out' water wont come back in your overflow it only goes out. You will have to return the water to a different spot,preferably far away from your overflow,so your returned water isnt leaving the display upon entering. You can buy a cheap small glass...
  3. sh00tist

    HELP...I found one Bubble Alage...

    There is nothing 'wrong' with your tank,bubble algae is very natural and quite common in most tanks. I sure hope you rinsed the rock off with tank water before you put it back in your tank. In the future dont panic and tear the rock out of your tank. Go down to your local drug store and buy a...
  4. sh00tist

    cycling a tank

    If your LR has only been out of the tank for a week there should be more than enough dead matter to start a cycle in your tank but feel free to add dead creatures if you prefer. Above all else make sure your cycle is complete before you add any fish,and when you do start adding them go very...
  5. sh00tist

    LR help

    Its coraline algae and it may be fading,not necessarily dead. What sort of light are you using? If its the regular light that came with the hood then you wont have much if any coraline on the rocks. If your tank is FOWLR then its not necessary to have any special lighting though you wont have...
  6. sh00tist

    New Set up Need advice

    The cheap plastic hydrometers with the needle are notoriously inaccurate,a true lab grade hydrometer is a precision instrument and will produce accurate repeatable measurements but they are a PITA to use so you are better off using a refractometer. I hope you read the earlier posts and have...
  7. sh00tist

    newly aggressive clown!!!!

    In the future try not to punish the fish for doing what comes natural,you should be wearing a rubber glove when you stick your hand into the tank and you wouldnt even feel the fish biting. Your hands hold all manner of contaminants from soap and makeup/perfume to oils in your skin or residue...
  8. sh00tist

    Question about sump

    The baffles keep bubbles out of your display along with forcing the water to move through the sump as opposed to letting the heavier(colder)water lay on the bottom while the warmer water simply flows over the top. In a tank that size I too would recommend 2 smaller heaters as opposed to one big one.
  9. sh00tist

    Moving everything to a 55 gal tank

    Since you are moving to a much larger tank you should be able to use all of your current sand. Place it in the bottom of the new tank first thing then place a similar amount of new sand{doesnt have to be live,you have plenty of life in your current sand)over the top of the old sand. When you add...
  10. sh00tist

    breeding cleaner shrimp??????

    I personally have never seen the eggs be good for anything but fish food,I dont know if they have been successfully raised in captivity.
  11. sh00tist

    feeding and supplements for tank?

    Give the eel a chance,they are wonderful creatures,I kept a snowflake for several years and he was very well behaved. Fish are always hungry no matter how much you feed them,its fine to feed them as often as you wish as long as you have plenty of flow to keep the excess in the water column until...
  12. sh00tist

    Zoa troubles (pics)

    I dont think they are getting enough flow. If you look from the first picture to the second you can see the the skirts on the open polyps are not nearly as extended in the second pic as in the first. Also if they arent getting a lot of flow debris can collect on the rock around their bases this...
  13. sh00tist

    Question regarding a BTA in a reef??

    If you say you are new to corals I think an anemone would be a bad idea. I would try some mushrooms with a small clay pot behind them with the entrance hidden somewhat. It may take awhile for your clown to show interest or it may never. Next thing I would try is a frogspawn they will usually go...
  14. sh00tist

    How to clean Pinpoint PH probe

    Get some calibration fluids and recalibrate,it should be fine they usually last for a couple of years. if it starts doing the same thing within a few days then its a goner.
  15. sh00tist

    high range PH?????

    You really should start testing and raising your calcium level,if you are only using the calcium from your salt mix I am quite certain it is low. Almost every coral using calcium along with coraline algae and most inverts,keeping it available in the water column will lead to a lot more coral...
  16. sh00tist

    how do i get zoas to grow???

    They can be very fickle,some of them grow all crazy and some not at all. I know that zoas taken from the sea take quite a while to begin growing in captivity where propagated will usually take right off. Ive noticed a lot more growth in mine since I really increased my flow,they simply love the...
  17. sh00tist

    How do you make mushrooms stick to rocks?

    Use a small juice glass and put a few pieces of small rubble in it.Sit the glass back in a corner away from flow and stick in the mushrooms,they will attach in a week or 2. Your shrooms up top may not look as good because they are probably in a lot of flow,they will live there but wont expand...
  18. sh00tist

    do you need a actinic?

    For a 30" tall tank Ive seen PAR tests that conclude that the only light that will effectively reach the bottom is a 400w MH. Now you will be able to grow sofites down low with a 250 as well as clams,sps but they will have to be placed higher up in the tank. An anemone will be kinda sketchy...
  19. sh00tist

    T-5s in 20g tall Clams? Which corals?

    A clam would be ok providing you have individual reflectors and good bulbs as well as placing the clam very near the surface which isnt always easy. With only 2 bulbs I would look into replacing the actinic with a ATI blue plus bulb to squeeze out some more good light,or give up the actinic...
  20. sh00tist

    frag tank

    I use t-5s I think for what you are trying to grow MH would be overkill especially with the shallow depth. I have mine plumbed into my system so filtration isnt a consideration. Make sure you leave room between your racks and the glass to get your algae scraper in there,also make sure you have...