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  1. @knight

    paralyzed fish

    I would post this over in the disease forum so Beth and TerryB can look in to this. they would be the most helpful in this type of situation.
  2. @knight

    Help me with fish Selection.......

    only put 1 tang in there, as thats about all that tank would comfortably support. you might consider a coral beauty angel, wrasses and gobies. Jawfish are cool. and hawkfish are nice too. but please, read up on a fish and make sure they are compatible and you can take care of them before...
  3. @knight

    Inverts, Corals, & Fish

    i think he was referring to crabs and snails. my oppinion though is the more the merrier.
  4. @knight


    jamos6, be careful about giving your e-mail out in that manner, as distracting people away from the board is against the rules as well. admin5 has been known to not take things like that lightly. I can see why you think it "sucks", but you have to remember that a store hosts this board and it...
  5. @knight

    Cloudy Water, Bad Algae, and "film"

    first off, now is a good time to get a cleanup crew. since your tank is young, it is more than likely a diatom bloom. this is normal. make sure you are not overfeeding and the sand has not been disturbed. the water should clear in a daay or two. cut back on lighting, although, untill all the...
  6. @knight

    what powers a berlin the best?

    since the turbo upgrade is OEM and is the same price as the mag 7, i might as well go with that. thanks for the help.
  7. @knight

    what powers a berlin the best?

    i saw the turbo upgrade, but only one problem with it....the price! i was wondering if a maxi 1200 or similar PH would work well. I can get the kit, but since I only have a 30 gal, I wonder if the benefits would be worthwile. any input???
  8. @knight


    SD sand is really fine. your tank will be cloudy for a few days regardless, but your fish should be fine. to reduce the cloudiness, try a piece of thick pvc pipe and drop the sand down directly to the bottom. that will prevent the water breaking it apart on the way to the bottom.
  9. @knight

    what powers a berlin the best?

    im getting a used berlin classic and need to get a pump for it. which one should I buy, or does it matter? [ September 20, 2001: Message edited by: @knight ]
  10. @knight

    quick ID!

    maxx, heres a link for you: fsite.htm?
  11. @knight

    How do you catch a crab?

    my guess would be the crab too. ive got one im eyeing now myself. started like 1/2'' now hes 1 1/2. i notice they are more active at night. might get a red light or some sort. I took a cheap flashlight and colored in the lens with a red marker. They cant see red. and try your best to...
  12. @knight

    Caluerpa Rules!

    mark, buddy, your supposed to have a nitrate spike durring a cycle, but hopefully it's over. next....the diatom bloom. calupera wont help ya there, but hermits will.
  13. @knight


    wow, must be a tiny skimmer, but as long as its getting water, it should work. is it pulling anything out?thats the important thing. i would keep the rock in the tank, if you are going for water movement over the rock, i would recommend power heads.
  14. @knight

    HELP needed with berlin classic skimmer

    also, what pump would you use to power it?
  15. @knight

    HELP needed with berlin classic skimmer

    guys, if you have pics, i would appreciate them. i thought that was a good deal, and wanted to make it work (as opposed to spending 169 for a new one)
  16. @knight

    live rock in a fish only tank???

    what you ar describing is called a FOWLR tank (Fish Only With Live Rock). Adding LR to the tank, IMO makes the tank look better and more natural, adds to the biodiversity of the tank, and increases the biofilter and thus the bioload of your tank. There are many types of LR on the market. The...
  17. @knight

    30G FOWLR having problems

    My tank has looked great up till about the last week. The back side of the tank still looks fine, but on the front side starting on the glass and going to the rock, ther is a rust colored coating on the sand. it is not on the rock, and does not resemble cyano, from what I can tell. Water...
  18. @knight

    quick ID!

  19. @knight

    sorry, please move my last post to the aquirium (homepage)

    pufferdaddy, you can delete the post by editing it and putting a checkmark in the box in blue at the top to delete it. You can then repost it where it belongs. [ September 18, 2001: Message edited by: @knight ]
  20. @knight

    Crushed coral or live sand

    i would get all the CC out before adding the sand, just because it wont look that good. you will see some level spikes and maybe a small mini-cycle, but not a major cycle.