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  1. tang_man_montreal

    Pic of my Fighting Conch

    Thought I would share a pic of one of my Fighting Conchs that I've had for 10 days so far... :) He's by no means small at about 3"....
  2. tang_man_montreal

    Best temp.?

    Mine sways between 82.1 and 82.9...
  3. tang_man_montreal


    That's stuff's crap. Don't use it. It didn't do anything for me. Let the natural cycle go through, and use a cocktail shrimp to jumpstart it.
  4. tang_man_montreal

    Blue Tang

    Get a Flame Angel! Beautiful fish! would go great in a 55 gal.
  5. tang_man_montreal

    Yellow Cucumber

    Cucumbers are known to split when multiplying. If this is what happened, then congratulations, you're a parent. You now have 2 cukes.
  6. tang_man_montreal

    Yellow Tang Concern

    The white spot that I see on his tail in the picture is his "scalpel". All tangs have a scalpel hence the name "surgeonfish". As for the brown discoloration? I'm at a loss...
  7. tang_man_montreal

    Water Change Container wasn't agitated for 10 days.

    Yup, Thought of that Javajoe... I'm aerating with a powerhead right now for 24hrs, then will mix salt in and aerate for another 24-48 hours before doing the waterchange. I've beed bad. I neglected doing a water change for a month. All levels are normal though...
  8. tang_man_montreal

    Water Change Container wasn't agitated for 10 days.

    Thanks, I was just being anal I guess... I'm uses to only putting water in it to mix saltwater for a water change. And even at that, it's always got a powerhead on for circulation.. Just wanted to make sure.
  9. tang_man_montreal

    Water Change Container wasn't agitated for 10 days.

    My water change rubbermaid trashcan (Where I mix my salt water), has had fresh-water sitting in it for about 10 days, without a powerhead for circulation. It was covered however (no evaporation)... Is this water still usable for a water change, or should I ditch it and use new water? I'm running...
  10. tang_man_montreal

    Midas Blennie found dead this morning in QT.

    Water test results: temp: 82 SG: 1.023 Trites: 0 trates: <10 ammo: .1 What did I do wrong????? :(
  11. tang_man_montreal

    Midas Blennie found dead this morning in QT.

    I came to do my daily feeding ritual this morning. I fed my main tank, then went over to my QT, and found the Blennie dead at the bottom of the tank!!! He was FINE last night! I don't understand why he died???? He's been eating regularily, didn't have a HINT of disease at all!!! I'm testing my...
  12. tang_man_montreal

    What The Hell Is This?! (pic)

    And are also known to be in sappy bad movies too. The opposite of the other not well known matriartically dominant species, the Jamieleeous Curtisosis; who played a marvelous role in "A fish called Wanda".......................
  13. tang_man_montreal

    What The Hell Is This?! (pic)

    Latin name is: Walkonsandus barbarastreisandolus :D
  14. tang_man_montreal

    QT Questions... and feeding Selcon

    I've had my cute Midas Blennie in QT now for a week. He's eating, not stressed, and swimming all over the tank. Pratically eats from my hand. I've been feeding him small amounts of enriched Brine and Formula 2 in the morning (Both with Selcon added) and flake in the evening. He goes crazy for...
  15. tang_man_montreal

    Digicam options... narrowed down...

    Hey everyone. I'm going to be getting a camera in the near future, and have narrowed down my choices to: Fuji Finepix 3800 Sony DSC-P71 Does anyone have any experience with any of the above cameras? Does anyone have any different suggestions within the same price range of these cameras...
  16. tang_man_montreal

    Pygmy Angel

    Pygmys' and small people... :D Actually, I've heard Brine, Formula1 & 2...
  17. tang_man_montreal

    Pinpoint pH Monitor instructions...

    Thanks everyone! Also, Here's the link to the actual user's manual. There's also a nice fresh fish recipe on their site using Selcon that some people might want to look into.. located here:
  18. tang_man_montreal

    Pinpoint pH Monitor instructions...

    Hey everyone. I just bought a used Pinpoint pH monitor... but it didn't come with supplied instruction booklet. Does anyone have a link to one somewhere, or one they could scan/email me? Thanks..