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  1. tang_man_montreal

    110 gal reef for sale in montreal

    Sharkee, please email me some pics.. Also, please give me a ballpark range of the price you are looking for. Are you willing to sell parts separately as there is no livestock?? As in rock? equipment? etc? And yes, I am in Montreal.
  2. tang_man_montreal

    Peppermint Hogfish... info please??

    Hi everyone, I went through 64Ivy's site yesterday... first of all 64Ivy, that is a WONDERFUL site... I spent hours on it literally. I hate you because now I HAVE to have a Peppermint Hogfish. Does anyone know or have any information regarding this beautiful fish? What are it's requirements...
  3. tang_man_montreal

    110 gal reef for sale in montreal

    How much? any pics? what livestock?
  4. tang_man_montreal

    Midas Blennie... QT and How susceptible to disease?

    Hey guys, I just picked up a Midas Blennie last night. I acclimated him for 1 1/2 hours into my QT tank following the procedures on FFEXPRESS and JLAquatics (both are the same procedure)... How long should I keep him in my QT tank? The above sites mention that 2 weeks is enough time for a fish...
  5. tang_man_montreal

    Old Ebo-Jaeger Heater setting...

    Hey guys, I have an old 200w Ebo-Jager heater in my sump right now. I wanted to raise the temp on it, and noticed that the setting increments are labeled 1 to 10, not in degrees like my new one. Can someone tell me what setting will put it at about 79-80 degrees? Thanks!
  6. tang_man_montreal

    Tang info from exp, not books

    I currently have a Yellow Tang and a Hippo tang together in a 90. You'd swear that they couldn't live without each other. The little hippo looks up to his Yellow tang big brother. They're always swimming together. They're a great pair.
  7. tang_man_montreal

    Pure Caribbean Aragonite

    Hmm... what about those Instant Ocean 200g salt mix buckets. They ship well... How much could you fit in there? Last time I purchased one of those online, shipping wasn't a big issue. Look at it this way, Everyone keeps their salt mix buckets. They're useful! If you wanted to sell sand, you...
  8. tang_man_montreal

    Free U-Build It Package to 50th reply to this post

    Anything to the 150th post? :D
  9. tang_man_montreal

    Blue Hippo Tang Won't Eat Lettuce

    Maybe I can shed some light on this as well. First of all, lettuce may not be the way to go. Try Nori (the seaweed stuff they use to wrap sushi). Although, be prepared that for the first week or so, he may be afraid of the clip itself. Mine took a week before getting used to something hanging...
  10. tang_man_montreal

    Serpent Star ate my Royal Gramma!!!

    Here's a pic of a Green Brittle star who just ate a cleaner shrimp.
  11. tang_man_montreal

    Because I'm bored and have nothing to do ...

    Sure, please email me a copy at ... I'm currently using Reefcon 2000... still dunno if I like it.
  12. tang_man_montreal

    Fish scared of veggie clip?

    Hey everyone, I'm trying to feed Nori to my tangs... But they seem to be afraid of the veggie clip, or maybe don't like nori. They havn't swam close to that area since I put it in. Is this normal? And also, what size should I cut the nori that I place on the clip? THanks!
  13. tang_man_montreal

    Added some snails... Need help.

    What about the Ceriths? Do you all think they're dead? Also, would it be safe to do a water change today?? I acclimated these guys into the tank lastnight. I want to adjust the SG from 1.023 to 1.024 with my water change. Is it safe since I just acclimated these snails???
  14. tang_man_montreal

    Added some snails... Need help.

    Hello everyone. I just purchased some snails online, which I received yesterday. They were delivered in bags, not moist. Anyhow, I purchased 3 Turbos, 10 Nassarius, and 10 Cerith. My problem lies with the Cerith snails. I acclimated all of them in separate containers, slowly adding tank water...
  15. tang_man_montreal

    Beth, pls help, Hippo tang acting strange.

    Beth, First and foremost, thank you for all your help in this matter. And thank you for posting up that link I told you about, I'm curious to the outcome of that thread. Just outta curiosity, What were your thoughts on it? I strongly believe that my hippo is like this due to poor nutrition. When...
  16. tang_man_montreal

    Beth, pls help, Hippo tang acting strange.

    Hi Beth, Well, I noticed 2 things when I got home.. 1) I looked closely at the hippo. And yes, it does look like HLLE. Although he's been like this for a while. Atleast 2 months, since he was this way when I got him. So.... Does HLLE spread to other fish? And is vitamin supplements and a varied...
  17. tang_man_montreal

    Beth, pls help, Hippo tang acting strange.

    Hey Beth, Here's the grounding probe myth link let me know what you think of it... LOL... I know it sounded strange that I was afraid to try fresh foods. And it does merit a good laugh at my expense. I was just afraid of the consequences of trying it. You pointed out that Salmon contains...
  18. tang_man_montreal

    Feeding, how much is enough?

    Hey everyone, I'm confused about feeding requirements for my tank. If you look in my signature, you'll see a list of my current tank inhabitants... The reason I say I'm confused about feeding, is because some people say I overfeed, and some say I underfeed. I'd like to know what you all...
  19. tang_man_montreal

    Beth, pls help, Hippo tang acting strange.

    There's a local guy here that has Selcon in stock apparently. I'll probably get it there. Is there need for both Selcon AND Kent's Zoe? Or should I just choose one? I thought the Formula2 was an "all-in-one" package for veggie loving fish. That along with the flake, I thought I was addressing...
  20. tang_man_montreal

    Help Me Please

    You mentioned that you added new rock.. I'd suspect the rock, not the heater. Reason I say that is that you might have had massive die-off from the rock, which caused your levels to skyrocket, causing the death you had in the tank. I'd QT the new rock in a separate tank for a while to make sure.