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  1. rujelus22

    Teach me about clams

    I have a teardrop maxima, dersa, and a hippo. The hippo and dersa are very easy to keep they were the first ones I tried, I grow my own phyto to feed the tank. The dersa Isn't as colorful as some of the other clams but has been getting more and more colorful since I got him he it tan in the...
  2. rujelus22

    Plexi & Coraline algae

    I've heard if you use a credit card it takes it off without scratching, but I have a glass tank so I don't know for sure
  3. rujelus22

    Best Sand

  4. rujelus22

    Best Sand

    I'm going to change my small tank from CC to live sand, was wondering if I could get some opinions on the best brand/type
  5. rujelus22

    Six line wrasse.... Is it a cleaner wrasse?

    I have one and never seen him do anything llike that, I've had him for about a year now
  6. rujelus22


    If your not going to be keeping any corals in there, lighting shouldn't be that big of a concern, as far as filtration there are tons of methods, for a tank like that with a low bio-load you can go with just about anything, If you don't want any fish in the tank you will have preatty much a...
  7. rujelus22

    Lionfish in a Reef? Yes/No?

    The only real problem in a reef is there are normally small fish, crabs, and shrimp which would all get eaten by the lion. If you don't want to have any of these things go nuts
  8. rujelus22

    260w pc's or 250w mh?

    Huge difference Metal halide is more of an intense light look at the lumen rating on the lights, the higher the lumens the more light, watts don't really mean much, I've got a 100 watt light on my deck that doesn't look nearly as bright as one of the 56 watt Vho's I have
  9. rujelus22

    Converting Sump to Refugium question

    Either one would be fine but I like the second design better has more room for the refuge and the bigger the better in my opinion
  10. rujelus22

    Not sure about water changes?

    Well you can do really large water changes but you need to make sure the Ph and SG are the same as the tank water
  11. rujelus22

    New food question

    I've heard of them before never used it though, I've alwys used dt's or grown my own phyto
  12. rujelus22

    CC or sand bed

    Ditto. I have a tank with cc and it's a little more work but it can be done. my nitrates are always below 5
  13. rujelus22

    Frogspawns??? Need some help please.

    I would say the frogspawn is moderate it's not really easy but definitaly not one of the hardest, but I wouldn't put anything into that tank till you get some of the other problems fixed or you will have some major problems
  14. rujelus22

    Frogspawns??? Need some help please.

    Well watts per gallon really isn't the best way to judge light, It all depends on the par, and the lumes that the light makes, but I would say around 5-9 watts for anemones. What kind of lights do you have
  15. rujelus22

    Frogspawns??? Need some help please.

    And with all of that you have two, would love to see pictures of that
  16. rujelus22

    Are Gh sleeper goby's safe for reef?

    I have one in my reef and besides the taking some sand off of things occasionaly, he was a great addition, when he first got into my tank he did stir up quite a bit but now that he has been in there for about 3 months things clear up and my substrate looks great.
  17. rujelus22

    Need lighting advice....

    The only time I've seen a brown algea problem is when the nitrates or phosphates go high, or it's a new tank, or you don't have enough water movement, how often and what do you feed, and why are you using zooplex if you don't have any corals.
  18. rujelus22

    Need lighting advice....

    Is your tank new and what are your parameters ph, nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, phosphates things like that
  19. rujelus22

    Need lighting advice....

    Why would it really matter if you weren't going to keep corals?
  20. rujelus22

    Sun coral question

    Sounds like your doing great, if you ever see tissue loss or it stops opening somethings wrong but I wouldn't be worried, heres a piture of one with tissue loss, you can see in between the heads there is no tissue