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  1. rujelus22


    the phosphates show zero because the hair algae is using it all, there has to be something there for the algea to eat or it wouldn't be growing. As far as tangs I've never had one so I have no idea which ones eat algae the best
  2. rujelus22


    I wouldn't try something to eat the algae I would find the source of it. Most likely high phosphates or nitrates, if you fix that the algae will go away on it's own
  3. rujelus22

    T-5 .vs. compact flourescent

    I have the t5 light your talking about it's awsome tons of light and I can keep anything in my tank heres a pic of my sebae under those lights
  4. rujelus22

    Pics of my 55

    I have a sebae in the middle and a long tentacle in the upper right, they have been growing and have been in there for about 7 months, the light does have a splash gaurd it has four plugs one for 10k one for actinics one for moon and one for the fan. and you need to replace the bulbs about every...
  5. rujelus22

    Pics of my 55

    yeah it's the only light I have and for only $200 it's awsome, I can keep just about anything, haven't tried any sps yet but I'm pretty sure if I put them up a little they would be fine. With the 8 bulbs I know you could keep anything. But I'll stick with the 4 bulb it works great.
  6. rujelus22

    Pics of my 55

    yeah it's the only clown in the tank, it's grown at lest 2 inches since I bought it
  7. rujelus22

    Pics of my 55

    I have a 20 gallon sump, and this tank has been up for about 7 months. I have the nova extreme t5 lighting 4X54 and 4 moon lights
  8. rujelus22

    Pics of my 55

    Here's some pics of my 55
  9. rujelus22

    What do you put in your fuge

    I have some live sand and live rock, and a ton of mysit shrimp and copapods(but they get there on there own
  10. rujelus22

    Algae Bloom (overfeeding???)

    Well algea won't grow unless there is food of some kind for it, weather it's nitrates, phosphates, or light, or a small combination of all of them but it can't live with out food
  11. rujelus22

    Algae Bloom (overfeeding???)

    yes it can, if you overfeed there would be phosphates in your tank, they may not show up on the test because the algea is using it all up, but it could definitaly be a problem
  12. rujelus22

    Do brittle stars catch and eat shrimp??

    thats not a green brittle
  13. rujelus22

    Bait shrimp and snowflake eel

    I actually did that for awhile, doesn't really work that well ended up going with just hemits and snails, then evetually sold my snowflake
  14. rujelus22

    Do brittle stars catch and eat shrimp??

    I have one just like it, he doesn't bother anything, just sits in his rock and grabs food when it goes by
  15. rujelus22

    Valentini and Tomatoe Clown reef safe?

    An anemone in a 30 gallon would be hard you would need to get an species that stays small, my sebea would take up pretty much the entire bottom of a 30 gallon. As far as the clown using it, it's hit or miss some do some don't, does depend on the type of anemone and if the clown was tank raised...
  16. rujelus22

    when to start adding to refugium

    shouldn't really matter much things like nitrites and ammonia shouldn't hurt the macro any, thats what plant food is made from.
  17. rujelus22

    Reef tank question

    bigger is way easier, I have a 55 gallon and a 10 gallon and the 55. I don't worry about the 55 nearly as much as the 10
  18. rujelus22

    MH/Coral Question

    It will spread through the tank, I would go with about a foot away from the water, but check your water temps you might have to move it further away depending on hot it gets
  19. rujelus22

    Frogspawn and Toadstool Coral

    Never had a frogspawn but the toadstools are pretty hardy, the only time I had problems with mine was when I upgraded my lights, it didn't seem to like the brighter light, I just moved him closer to the bottom of the tank and he's been great ever since. the do like a fair amount of current, get...
  20. rujelus22

    Moving Up

    water changes, don't really need any additives except food (depending on what corals you get), as for tests you will want to test for phosphates, nitrates, nitrite, ph, alk, calcium, and ammonia