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  1. saka bra

    Pictures can only describe this...

    wat about brodduh, or stan, or lars
  2. saka bra

    220 FOWL Tank Diary

    your tank looks awsome man. cool fish, and im sure your gonna get more cool fish to add, nice selection.
  3. saka bra

    Help me stock my new 180!!!!!!!!

    Originally Posted by 9supratt4 Will the sailfin, a Naso and a foxface be ok? yup tey'll be fine. you should think about a large angel in my opinion. are you still going with the either an achilles or powder blue?
  4. saka bra

    are there any marine biologists on

    Originally Posted by Oceansidefish It's really what made me switch to environmental science.... Or as my aunt calls it, the how to grow pot major. thats the best major around
  5. saka bra

    My 240 gallon reef tank.....HAHA

    the stony corals like brains and mazes work the best with angelfish. try some stony brains; not shure about the more fleshy brains though?
  6. saka bra

    are there any marine biologists on

    what about the people that dive out in the ocean on reefs and catch the fish for the hobby. you would get to travel, dive and be around awsome reefs all day. and wonder if that would pay good $
  7. saka bra

    are there any marine biologists on

    ya i might wanna be a marine biologist too, be really interesting
  8. saka bra

    new possible fish? a couple ?'s

    ya if you can set up the 55g with the partition in the middle, that would be fine. and that way you could tell if the two would be able to mix for sure in the 180g
  9. saka bra

    new possible fish? a couple ?'s

    -the two fish will probabliy tear eachother apart in the qt. I have a frenchy my self and i love him. he is the boss of the tank fo sho. and mine is relatively reef safe; he does fine with colts, leathers and stony brains, and hoping to try my luck even further. 4-6 inches is the best to catch...
  10. saka bra

    Stocking volume

    Originally Posted by sean48183 Nice list but in a 240g you don't want at least a couple whopper size fish. I would think a couple of 12" fish cruising around with the small fish would be pretty cool. oh yeah, like maybe a large naso, that would look royal.
  11. saka bra

    Stocking volume

    looks like a good list
  12. saka bra

    your most expensive fish

    $150-show size male naso with streamers, worth it.
  13. saka bra

    Need an suggestion for sump pump 125 gallon tank 55 gallon sump.

    ive got the biggest "little giant" pump for my 150 gallon tank
  14. saka bra


    not all damsels are bad... the only damsel i would ever get would be either blue-yellow tail, and turqoise ones, they stay reletively small and colorful. i would stay away from the dacyllus species fo sho, they are much more aggresive, loose their young coloration and turn into a dull ugly fish...
  15. saka bra

    foxface sucking air at the surface

    my foxface used to do that too. but i think he was just playing with the water, and sometimes he would spit water out too. its no harm, just an activity he does.
  16. saka bra

    My 240 gallon reef tank.....HAHA

    haha everyone, i went to my local lfs and saw this 5 inch awsome pink and blue maze coral and stuck it in with my frenchy. haha i think im gona pick up another one tomorow. i think i might have a reef safe angelfish, with 2 colts, 1 leather and 1 maze coral. i think it helps to keep him really...
  17. saka bra

    Sea Of Cortez Yellow Ray

    ya your trigger will pick at the the ray. i would get rid of the trig and get the ray, just my preference
  18. saka bra

    Please help me pick my next fish...

    dussumier tang man. one of my lfs has three dussumier tang. i want one and its like $1200. awsome fish though
  19. saka bra

    My 240 gallon reef tank.....HAHA

    Rcreations- that sucks, i geuss its more of a hit and miss thing with angels, or your queen was really hungry. is your queen an adult?
  20. saka bra

    2 Tang Questions

    naso + hippo = success