Search results

  1. luvnluk

    Splitting shroom?

    Great! Thanks for the replies! I am somewhat experienced with a FOWLR tank, however, I've just started getting into shrooms and want to make sure that I'm providing the right environment!
  2. luvnluk

    bubbler in quar tank?

    IMO, definately not. Bubblers contribute to salt creep and have no affect on O2 content in the water. Surface agitation will give the needed oxygen exchange - go with powerheads.......:)
  3. luvnluk

    Splitting shroom?

    Wow, that's cool! Thank you! The pics are great:happy: . I have some green striped shrooms that literally look like they are cutting themselves in half. I just want to make sure that they are happy in my tank!
  4. luvnluk

    Another Cycle question

    You definately want the powerheads for circulation. You use them just as you did with the UGF, just without the tube. The powerheads suck water in a spit it out at a velocity depending on what you buy (550, 1200 etc.) Part of their purpose is to provide surface agitation for O2 exchange and...
  5. luvnluk

    Another Cycle question

    Hmmm...that's alot for me to answer, however, I would do a search on cycling a tank, for starters. I would also get a book on SW aquariums and read up before you embark on this pricey (as I'm sure you well know) hobby. I would strongly recommend live rock and a much larger tank if you want a...
  6. luvnluk

    Splitting shroom?

    Anyone have a pic of a splitting shroom? How can you tell a happy shroom from an unhappy one?
  7. luvnluk

    how hard is a saltwater tank?

    FOWLR = fish only with live my opinion, saltwater is slightly more expensive when you first get stared, however, in the long run is much more rewarding.......
  8. luvnluk

    New tank

    OK - I just saw...a few weeks is not a search on cycling a tank......
  9. luvnluk

    New tank

    How long has your tank been set up? Have you tested your water?
  10. luvnluk

    trip tp lfs

    Good deal! Depending on the LFS, some have no idea what's happening. I bought some LR that was covered with mushrooms, however, they had it in the regular LR section with VERY poor lighting = healthy mushrooms that were not opened up due to poor lighting.
  11. luvnluk

    Live Sand/Dead Sand?

    35$ is actually not bad for bagged LS, at least from my experience. You can mix live sand and dead sand to establish your DSB. Do a search on this - I got a great deal of helpful info that way when I was in your shoes!
  12. luvnluk

    where to mark for water line

    I just use the natural line provided by the lower part of the upper border of the tank. I have about a 1" wood border on the upper, outside edge of my tank.
  13. luvnluk

    OT: BEER whats your favorite

    Maine Beers beat all.....Shipyard Pumpkin Ale is the best!
  14. luvnluk

    OT: New Windo Sticker

    That's great - I love it!!!
  15. luvnluk


    Did you cycle your tank? I think you may have started too much, too soon.
  16. luvnluk

    OT: today is my b-day

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! One more year and you will be able to order a beer with your Red Lobster! JK Enjoy your 20's!!! I'm 2 years away from 30 and I would gladly hit the rewind button!
  17. luvnluk

    Choco Chip * Feeding

    Yup, it's a good idea to spot feed a cchip star. You can also feed brine shrimp, krill, fresh store bought shrimp......
  18. luvnluk

    sand or crushed coral

    I also recommend LS over CC :cheer: CC must be vacuumed and tends to be a nitrate factory. Do a search and read up on Deep Sand Beds (DSB) or even just Live Sand.
  19. luvnluk

    Detached mushroom

    One of my new green striped mushrooms detached itself and is currently sitting open on the sand bed. Should I reattach him to a rock?
  20. luvnluk


    You are good to go... ccstars are fun to watch in the right environment. They are like acrobats...