Search results

  1. salty rick

    opinions on a coral beauty in a reef tank?

    I have a Beauty in my 55 gal. I have had it for over two years and it does not bother my corals.
  2. salty rick

    Protein Skimmers

    I have a Seaclone skimmer that hangs on the back of my 55 gal. tank. I have been please with it. Others have used one from Prizm but have had problems with noise. My SeaClone is not that noisy.
  3. salty rick

    green hair algea taking over

    I have had sucess with snails, hermit crabs, yellow tang and lawnmower blennies to get rid of hair algae. However, the key is reducing nitrates and PO4 and running lights no more than 10 hours a day.
  4. salty rick

    Milky water

    When I switched to a DSB I ran my canister filter. It cleasred things up in about 24 hours. I still run the canister but I have Phosgard in it to keep the PO4 under control. While I was running it after the switch to the DSB I used a filter media.
  5. salty rick

    ph question

    Your PH is too low. It should be around 8.3. I am not sure but I think that the Alkalinity is low too. I don't know what the mg/l should be but the Alk sould be around 8 dK. I don't know how to convert mg/l to dK. Keeping the Alk up helps maintain the PH at the right level. Others please correct...
  6. salty rick

    peppermint shrimp AWOL

    Not to put a damper on the optitmism but I lost one of mine and found it several weeks later behind the tank on the floor. I have a canopy but no complete cover of the tank. I suspect that a fish chased the shrimp and it jumped out of the water. :(
  7. salty rick

    baking soda ?

    Do a search on this sight. There have been threads in the past about using baking soda. SOme swear by it others don't.
  8. salty rick

    Any ideas on what is happening?

    My green mushrooms and my toadstool leather are not opened as full as usual. The ahriey mushrooms, the colt coral, the sand polyps and the button polys and the brown mushrooms are opened fully as usual. Any ideas why the others aren't? They have been doing very well for over two years. PH 8.0...
  9. salty rick

    Hagen test kit - maybe not so good....

    I used Hagen and found them inaccurate. Most of the time the readings were lower or better than the paremeters really were. I use Tetres and Aquarium Pharmaceuticals test kits. I have not tried Salifert because they are not readily available in my area.
  10. salty rick

    Colt Coral and Christmas Tree Coral

  11. salty rick

    Will firefish fly?

    I call them suicide fish. I had two. As soon as I put them in they jumped out. Eventually they died when they jumped out before I had a chance to cover the top of the tank and while I was at work.
  12. salty rick

    POL: How do you feed your fish whilst on Holiday??

    I have a good friend and neighbor who feeds the fish and tops of the tank for me. I know you can buy electronic feeders that feed fish onece a day automatically. They run about $40.
  13. salty rick

    Colt Coral and Christmas Tree Coral

    I was wondering if Colt Coral and Christmas Tree coral are low light corals. I am trying to decide on my next purchase. I am running four 36 watt NO flourecent, one is a 20,000K superdaylight, one 10,000K daylight and two atinic. I also run two 60 watt Sylvania Holgena which resemble mini MH. I...
  14. salty rick

    Green-X phosphate remover?

    I have used it in my canister filter. It seems to work a little but itmay not be worth the cost. I had more success by not using tap water for tank refills.
  15. salty rick

    Updated Pics

    Nice tank. You have put a lot of work into it.
  16. salty rick

    Need help!!! fish has white spots.

    Sounds like Ick to me. Ick occurs when the fish are stressed out. The new coral may have done it for some reason. You may want to move the fish to a quarantine tank to treat them. Most ick treatments are detrimental to LR and corals. Others have had success feeding the fish with garlic soaked...
  17. salty rick

    Critter ID

    Could this be a Mantis Shrimp? Maybe NMReef would know.
  18. salty rick


    I love the Andy Griffith Show and Star Trek.
  19. salty rick

    How can u tell if a shroom is reproducing?

    I have green striped mushrooms and brown mushrooms. From observing mine, the new ones appear under the existing ones. The new ones then move slowly out from under the parent. Others may have a more biological explaination of how it actually happens.
  20. salty rick

    Red Chili Coral

    I guess everyone is away for the holidays.