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  1. salty rick

    how much longer?

    If you have tons of green hair algae then I would go with a yellow tang or a lawnmower blenny. A yellow tang was one of my first fish because of the hair algae. I do supplement with dehydrated seaweed.
  2. salty rick

    Some pics of my 210 with the new LR

    Man I wish I had the space for that size tank. Looks like you have the right amount of LR. I would say you have the basis for lots of neat corals and the fish will love the holes to swim around in. Keep us posted as you add to the things to your tank.
  3. salty rick

    New Pics after DSB

    Aceiswild7, my tank is been up and running for about four years. The polyps have been in about two years. thanks for your kind remarks.
  4. salty rick

    Red Chili Coral

    My LFS told me that Red Chili corals do well in low light. I was wondering if that was true? Any of you had good success with this coral? Any concerns that I chould know about? I have four 36 watt NO flourecent. Two 20,000K superdaylight and two 6,600K atinic. Also, have two 60 watt Sylvania...
  5. salty rick

    how much longer?

    Coral Beauty or a Tang (Yellow or Purple) would be a nice addition, IMO.
  6. salty rick

    New Pics after DSB

    Runaround, I looked at the pics again. What you see is the intake of my skimmer not the canister filter intake (which is on the left of the picture). I have a Seaclon hang-on skimmer.
  7. salty rick

    New Pics after DSB

    Runaround, I have no UGF. What you see is the intake of my Fluval 203 canister filter. I started out with a UGF but soon pulled that sucker out. The mushrooms and polyps have always done well in my tank. It is hard to believe that all the green mushrooms started from one small mushroom on a...
  8. salty rick

    New Pics after DSB

    Well, it's been about six weeks since I chnaged over to a DSB. I have uploaded some new pics to my website. The DSB has worked well. My nitrates went from 40 ppm to 5ppm. Everything seems to be happy. PS: As you can see, I am being over run with brown sand polyps and green striped mushrooms. If...
  9. salty rick

    New pics taken today.

  10. salty rick


    Also, how long do you run your lights?
  11. salty rick

    What to do about it

    When I first started my aquarium several years ago, I had problems with green hair algae. I bought a yellow tang, astera snails and hermit crabs. The hermit crabs and the tang took care of the algae on the rocks. The snails tookcare of the algae on the glass. My tang was a very effective green...
  12. salty rick

    What does it mean if.....

    Sounds like green hair algae to me. That is an indication of high nitrates or high phosphates. I suggest a water test to find out. If these are high then you need to isolate the cause of the high nitrates or phosphates. Usually it is due to too much feeding or using straight tap water for water...
  13. salty rick

    Opinion on CB shrimp.....

    I guess I will throw my two cents in. I guess I have been lucky. I have had several CB's over the last five years. None were ever that agressive. I have one in my tank now. It hides all day long and comes out at night. It seems not to bother the corals or the other fish. As I said, I guess I...
  14. salty rick

    need more people wanting southdown?

    I haven't had a diatom problem so far. I think others have had success with silica based sand. I would imagine that this is one of those debates that could go for many pages of threads. All I know is that my DSB has worked so far. I have dropped my Nitrate level to under 10 PPM and it continues...
  15. salty rick

    Need help!! ph at 7.4

    KH is the hardness of the water. You should pick up a test kit for KH too. What brand of test kit do you use? I have used Tetra and Aquarium Phamaceuticle's test kits as well as Red Sea. I never liked the Hagen test kits because they seem to always be low on the readings.
  16. salty rick

    Need help!! ph at 7.4

    I use Seachem Marine Buffer. It keeps the PH at 8.3. I have found it is inportant to keep the KH at the right level in order to maintain the ph level. Also, LR will help keep the PH stable.
  17. salty rick

    need more people wanting southdown?

    The Bobsal sand is pretty white. I haven't seen southdown to compare but it is whiter than the sand that I see on the coasts of North Carolina but not as white as the Gulf Coast.
  18. salty rick

    Please help id these ...... 4 photos

    The first one looks like a Rock Anemonie to me. It looks similar to mine. I agree with the other ID's in the other posts.
  19. salty rick

    Switching To A Sand Bed, What Do I Do?

    I did this four weeks ago. I hope you are ready for a long day. What worked for me was suggested on this site. Buy several large rubbermaid containers. I removed about half of my water from the tank into the rubermaid containers. I added additional salt water if I needed more. I out the corals...
  20. salty rick

    need more people wanting southdown?

    I hope that you have better luck than I. My understanding, based on my conversation with a local Home Depot manager, is that the SKU is for play sand and not specifically Southdown. They had that SKU at my local Home Depot but it was Bonsal Play Sand that they had in stock. Bonsal is a company...