Search results

  1. salty rick

    Corals to Trade in North Carolina

    I have brown sand polyps and green striped mushrooms for trade. I live in Greensboro, NC
  2. salty rick

    I have to Whooo Whooo

    I was in PETsMART the other day looking at canister filters. I have a Fluval 203 on my 55 and wanted to go a little bigger. Hagen recently redesigned their Fluvals and now the numbers end in 4's. Well, the Fluval 304's and 404's run from $165 to 200 dollars. Lo and behold there was a preivious...
  3. salty rick

    Gas Buildup

    Thanks for all the info. I am glad the DSB is working. NACL-H2O, There are a couple of good LFS. I frequent Aquamain the most although I have shopped some at The Aquarium Shop as well. 10K - I too am glad to hear of others in my area of NC.
  4. salty rick


    Have you actually seen the Damsel nipping at the corals? Do you have any crabs or invertibrates? I had an Emerald Crab once that loved polys. I would say it is a possiblility that the fish are nipping at them as well. Sorry that I can't be of much help.
  5. salty rick

    Diamond Gobie

    I bought a Diamond Gobire two days ago and I haven't seen him since I put him in. How long until yours has come out after putting him in? When I brought him home, I floated the bag for 30 minutes, Added a some tank water to the bag and floated for 15 minutes, added more water and floated for 10...
  6. salty rick

    Gas Buildup

    Last a week and a half ago I added a 4.5 inch DSB. Last night I noticed at the bottom next to the glass a discoloration. When I ran a stick down through the sand to the discoloration gas bubbles came out. Why is this? When I converted to the DSB I took out a plenum and left in about one inch of...
  7. salty rick

    Lawnmower Blenny...Help

    In my experience,a yellow tank is the best at eating hair algae that has gotten long.
  8. salty rick

    Clown in Reef Tank Yes/No?

    I have had a Seabae Clown for over three years. I went through two anemonies in six months after I got it. I got tired of spending the the money on them, particulalry after I found out that I didn't have enough light. The clown has been without a host since then. I have polys, mushrooms and one...
  9. salty rick

    how do i clean it off?

    A razor blade is the best thing that I have found. I purchased one used to scape paint off the glass at Home Depot. Comes with a neat little handle. I buy the straight razor blades at the grocery store. The magnet never worked for me at getting the hard green algae off. In fact, I got most of my...
  10. salty rick

    coral bandits

    Mine hides all day. It comes out at night. I use a flash light to watch it at night. I have had others in the past that came out when I fed the fish. I could usually get a piece of dried seaweed or shrimp to it during feedings. Eventually it came out more often during the daytime. Now a...
  11. salty rick

    Minimum recommended time after mixing water?

    I guess anyone can learn something new everyday. I have never heard of aging the water. I usually mix it up and pour it in. I haven't had any problems doing it this way. I guess I'll have to age mine and give it a try and see if there is a difference.
  12. salty rick

    Skimmer Question

    I tried searching the site but I couldn't find the thread I was looking for. There was one back with a question on how long you run a skimmer. I would appreciate any input on this. I know some run one all of the time and others only when needed. Those who run one periodically, how often do you...
  13. salty rick

    Some thoughts and Thanks..........

    I posted yesterday that I had put in a DSB. This involved pulling all the LR and corals out and removing the old plennum. I kept what little agronite that I had figuring that it would help "liven up" the sand. I have to admit it was scarry after seeing how dirty the water was after all this...
  14. salty rick

    Well......It's Done

    Fish have survived (except for the Damsels, caught them and took them to LFS). Water has cleared significantly. The Protein Skimmer is kicking out microbubbles. The corals are looking fine. Things are looking good. :)
  15. salty rick

    Well......It's Done

    I just finshed adding a DSB to my 55. Talk about scarry. The water looks terrible. I know that it will clear in time. Wish me luck. :(
  16. salty rick

    Live Sand for Sale

    Where are you located?
  17. salty rick

    snails & polys

    I have lots of polyps and mushrooms and about 40 snails. The snails have not hurt either of them. They do trek across the polys and mushrooms but they don't eat them, at least mine haven't.
  18. salty rick

    Pics of my tank

    This tank has been up about four years. The LR did come with some coraline algae on it. From there it grew on its own. I bought the LR from a LFS here in Greensboro, NC. The readings today were KH: 170 mg/l acording to the conversion chart that is equal to 3.2 meq/l (it says to multiply the mg/l...
  19. salty rick

    Pics of my tank

    Thanks Galina. I have four NO flourecent, each are 36" long and 32 watts. I have a Coraline 20,000K, Coraline 10,000K and two Coraline Atinics. To light up the corners better I have two Sylvania Halagena bulbs from Home Depot. They are clear 60 watt bulbs. They look like minature metal halid...
  20. salty rick

    Pics of my tank

    Thanks for the comments Tru Conch. The Seabae Clown is about 3 1/2 inches long. I have had it about three years now.