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  1. salty rick

    leaving for a couple days

    This is when you need a good neighbor. My neighbor has a 29 gallon freshwater tank. We watch each others tank when taking vacation. I leave detailed instructions on what to do. We have been gone for a week at a time with no problems. I have my lights on timers.
  2. salty rick

    This is for those in NC and VA

    I have been trying to find Southdown sand in the Greensboro, NC area. I called the manufacturer and they told me that they had recently shipped Southdown sand to the Home Depot stores in Winchester, VA, Alexandria, VA and Fredericksburg, VA. It appears those are the closest location for us in...
  3. salty rick

    KH Convertion

    The reading that I have been seeing on this site for KH has been in meq/l. I don't think multiplying mg/l by 209 will give me meq/l since the optimal reading, according to the instructions of my test kit, is between 100 and 115 mg/l. There was something on the instructions about converting to dK...
  4. salty rick

    KH Convertion

    How do you change mg/l to the single diget KH numbers that I see referenced on this site. My test kit measure in mg/l. Thanks <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
  5. salty rick

    Struck out on Southdown

    Thanks for the information. I travel to Charlotte from time-to-time and I will try to go by this store.
  6. salty rick

    Coral branded shrimp a killer?

    Have you looked on the floor around the tank? I had a Blenny, a Damsel and a Firefish jump out of the tank. This usually happened when they were were chasing each other or by other fish and broke water. When cleaning out from behind the tank one day I found dryed fish.
  7. salty rick

    hairy brown algae???????

    My Yellow Tang is the best at attacking hairy algae. The blue and red legged crabs are great too. I have Astera snails that do a good job on the glass and LR. I was told the one crab or snail per gallon was the rule of thumb on cleanup crews.
  8. salty rick

    Clown Question

    I have a 55 gallon tank, about 150 pounds of live rock, a Seabae Clown, a Yellow Tang, a Coral Beauty and three Damsels that I can't catch or kill.
  9. salty rick

    Clown Question

    I have a yellow-brown Seabae Clown. Can you put other clowns in the tank like the Cinnemon, Tomato or Percula clowns?
  10. salty rick

    Struck out on Southdown

    Thanks K Salt. I sent you an email. I look forward to hearing from you.
  11. salty rick

    Clean Up Crew!

    I waited until after the tank cycled. Then when I saw the first sign of the brown algae I got my clean-up crew. My lfs said one snail or crab per gallon of water. I have turbo and astera snails, red and blue legged crabs and one scarlet crab that the lfs mistakenly gave me for a redlegged. Good...
  12. salty rick

    flame scallops

    I didn't have much luck with mine so I took them back. The problem I had was they moved around so much that they kept knocking over coral and live rock.
  13. salty rick

    Struck out on Southdown

    Here in the Piedmont of North Carolina I can't get Southdown sand. I went to my local Home Depot to see if they can order it for me. They said that they never heard of it even when I told them that other stores in the country do carry it. I talked to someone both in building materials and lawn &...
  14. salty rick

    cant get damsels out

    I orginally had six damsels and was able to catch three of them. The other three got too wise so I have left them in the tank. That has been about four years now. The way I caught the other three was to take a large fish net and use a safety pin to pin a piece of shrimp to the inside. I placed...
  15. salty rick

    Flame Angel or Coral Beauty???????????

    I have had a Coral Beauty for three years now and it has not bothered any of my corals. I have star polys, brown sand polyps, neon green mushrooms and a few others that I forgot the names to. I have heard about Flame Angels not being compatable with reefs. Plus Coral Beauties are usually half...
  16. salty rick

    Moving Shrooms?

    I place another rock next to the rock with the mushrooms. The mushrooms eventually grow onto the other rock. I then move the new rock to another part of the aquarium. This works the same with polys. Where in NC are you located. I am in Greensboro. I have been looking for someone in the area to...
  17. salty rick

    Another Sand Question

    I can't find Southdown in my area. My Home Depot carries Bonsal playsand. My LFS carries the agronite sand but it is not as fine as the playsand or sand at the beach. First question, is there another brand of sand that will work like Southdown? Second question, will the coarser agronite sand at...
  18. salty rick

    My tank died

    I have never had to deal with a long power outage. However, I do have a plan to deal with it. First off, I have a battery backup for a computer. I use it to power the heater of my tank should there be a power outage. However, this is only a short term solution, a few hours at the most. Secondly...
  19. salty rick

    Toadstool Leather

    I have read about people cutting leathers to make more leathers. Can this be done with Toadstool leathers? If so, how does one go about doing it safely? I have had this one for two years now and it has not multiplied like I have see other corals like polyps and mushrooms. This Toadstool is...
  20. salty rick

    ??? about Sally Lightfoot Crab

    The Sally's that I have in the past picked at the brown and green algae on the sides and live rock. I never noticed it destroying coaline algae or corals. However, I don't recall ever seeing one feed off the floor. I would think that a lawnmower blenney would work concerning the cleaning of the...