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  1. susieq

    ryanhayes96's 55 gallon hex diary

    this isn't cheap - that's for sure
  2. susieq

    ryanhayes96's 55 gallon hex diary

    Ryan, why don't you want to do salt water? That looks like it would make a great sea horse tank.
  3. susieq

    what is normal sump evaporation?

    Is a sump the same as a wet/dry filter?
  4. susieq

    Green Coraline Algae

    Does anyone have pictures of green coraline algae? I have purple growing in my tank and some that looks green on the glass. I don't know what it looks like though. I want to make sure it isn't anything bad. :thinking:
  5. susieq


    Originally Posted by clowntrig yeah im not sure what it was i havent seen it since. but all of the crabs are out of their shells. they are on the rocks roaming and eating, i dont know what the deal with them is??? they dont look to be sick when they are on the rocks but then when they walk on...
  6. susieq

    Worried To Death!!!!!!!!

    Yes. When I switched from cc to sand, I did half of my 55 at a time. When I finished the tank my royal gramma disappeared for 48 hours. I have no idea where it was. I looked everywhere including moving rock. It finally showed up and looked fine. :joy:
  7. susieq

    Trip to the Georgia Aquarium [Large Pictures]

    Those pictures are great!! Is that all one tank or is it several tanks?
  8. susieq

    I won't buy fish from my LFS since I started getting fish and inverts here. Everything has been super.
  9. susieq

    SPINACH as food supplement

    Are you using organic or just regular spinach from the grocery store?
  10. susieq

    Guess I should mind my own business!

    I was at the LFS yesterday. I told the woman I knew someone who had a blue hippo, 2 yellow tangs, a trigger and clown in a 55 gal. She said, "That's ok. Filtration has come a long way." I thought, since when, this morning.
  11. susieq

    RO unit or Live Rock, Which is more important?

    I was using 10 gallons of water for changes plus another 4 for top-off. Each gallon weighs 8 lbs. That's 112 lbs up 2 flights of stairs every two weeks. Plus I had to carry it from the store. I guess I'm just weak but that got real old after a couple of months plus by bulging muscles weren't...
  12. susieq

    Used Tank Questions

    Those are the kinds of problems I worried about. I'm wondering if it wouldn't be worth the extra money to buy a new tank. Any other thoughts?
  13. susieq

    Sand from cichlid tank?

    This is just my opinion but, if you don't have anything living in it yet, I don't think it would hurt anything. Good luck.
  14. susieq

    Used Tank Questions

    There is a 90 gallon tank with oakstand and accessories listed in my newspaper today for $440. Anyone have advise about what to ask besides what accessories come with it? :notsure:
  15. susieq

    GooD Deal?

    I googled and bookmarked. It's definitly a good price.
  16. susieq

    PLEASE come and tell me how this looks. BTA

    Yes, that's what I was asking. I ended up flushing my anemone so it wouldn't pollute my tank. I'm not too far from Syracuse.
  17. susieq

    GooD Deal?

    That does seem to good to be true. There isn't any contact info either. I would like to know if anyone orders though.
  18. susieq

    PLEASE come and tell me how this looks. BTA

    Hops - What kind of lights do you have. I had a anemone that looked just like yours on 5/7 at 7:55. The LFS never said a word about lighting. It was when I just started in the hobby. It never recovered and I had to pull it from the tank. I am happy to hear that yours is doing better.
  19. susieq

    Pics of my 30g> comments please!

    I would like to know about the effect on cyano, diatoms, and poop too! :jumping:
  20. susieq

    how many cups per gal tropic marin

    Can you use your hydrometer or refractometer to figure out the first batch?