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  1. madman33

    New Tank, Mysterious Brown Growth, PLEASE HELP

    Originally Posted by barchtruong it is a Lemonpeel i wouldnt be so might be...but it might also not be. The black makes me suspicious. I guess it could be a lemonpeel hybrid or something???
  2. madman33

    My next new tank - what do you think.

    lol thats awesome
  3. madman33

    plz help with tank selections

    personally for gobies i like the firefish the best, dwarf angels i like the flmae angel the best but theres always the risk of it not being safe with corals, for blennies hmmm i guess i would say the midas, basselets the black cap by far...alittle pricy and hard to find but a great and beautiful...
  4. madman33

    long night thinking

    i think home made roack can be used just not as the main raock formations...what i would do is sculpt kind of like a mountainish thing with lots of hole etc or what ever but just something to hold your lr so you would have to buy so much of it if you didnt think you needed that much bacteria. I...
  5. madman33

    filter question

    i would recommend a proteain skimmer in addition if you dont already have 1
  6. madman33

    Agressive fish with coral?

    Originally Posted by Sharkboy13 ah not true. i have had success at my lfs in their reef w/ sargassums, young nigers, hawaiian blacks, and crosshatches yes but those are rarish cases not all niger not all hawaiins and not all crosshatches are reef safe...its sort of a gamble just like with dwarf...
  7. madman33

    plz help with tank selections

    ok for hermits and snails...all hermits are the same(except for the really big ones) except for their colors ie. blue legs arent better than red red arent better than blue. for snails i personally like astrea as they are small so they wont move the rock around or knock over corals. i would get...
  8. madman33

    Invert/Fish issue.

    for the hair algea some people say lawnmower blennies some say emerald crabs but neither is 100% garuanteed to eat it. Hair algea is a sign of excess nutriants though which means something is funky with you water and one of you levels is off. As for inverts my favorites are just plain snails as...
  9. madman33

    Newbie Tank Pics

    Originally Posted by fedukeford Looks pretty nice! The rockwork looks pretty natural. I'm not trying to be the tang police, but IMO sailfin tangs should'nt be in anything smaller than a 150 gallon agreed and at least that possibly even bigger...55 just isnt long enough when they get bigger...
  10. madman33

    Anemone shrimp

    no they arent the same thing..heres one: also i do not beleive an anemone is absolutly neccessary but would most likely be beneficial
  11. madman33

    salt mixes

    tropic marin is the most balanced(all the levels are spot on where as with alot of other brands the calc and others are either too high or too low) but alot of people use oceanic and othres with good results
  12. madman33

    Agressive fish with coral?

    agreed it depends on the type of coral too like you said
  13. madman33

    I'm back finally

    lol i hope my crappy $20 stand didnt have anything to do with your back...or maybe it was my driveway lol. Yeah we got punded right after you came and picked the stand up if i remember right. Im not really looking forward to this weekend tired of snow(i think its the first time in my...
  14. madman33

    Agressive fish with coral?

    i learned this lesson the hard way only with freshwater...i invested tons of money into my 240 agressive and the last fish i added was a jack dempsey...he was fine for over a year until one day i came home to him going beserk and killing now i dotn take chances on things that are...
  15. madman33

    What do you do for a living?

    i am a aeronautical engineer who specializes in wing design. PAY your taxes everybody cause i want more $$$$ lol
  16. madman33

    my yt isnt good *pics

    how long has the tank been set up? I agree that it sounds like its still cycling. It also doesnt sound like you are feeding him any greens. Tang's diets need to be mostly comprised of greens and then alittle bit of meat.
  17. madman33

    Who wants to help me chose the inhabitants of my shark tank???

    if you look up a few posts you will see the size and that its coming early Feb. But as far as i know so far so good....they had a acouple of set backs with drilling it and stuff but i dont think that will effect the delivery date too much.
  18. madman33

    New Camera..Bored.. 300 Aggressive

    awww i liked your addition of the racoon...maybe 1 yellow fish is enough though lmao(ps is that the same lion from way back when? The one we all wanted to die? lol j/k)
  19. madman33

    Agressive fish with coral?

    why are people saying triggers? the only trigger that is commonly refered to as "reef safe" is the blue throat trigger...some other people have delared success with nigers and stuff but thats only after a few months...IMO you cant declare anything a success after 3 months its just not long...
  20. madman33

    Maroon Clowns..

    also you have to buy "mated pairs" you just buy to individual clowns cause they will fight more likely than not...