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  1. chaoticdamsel

    fire fish goby

    Originally Posted by kingphish p.s. carpet surfing comment actually made me laugh outloud
  2. chaoticdamsel

    What to put with a Domino Damsel??

    Originally Posted by novahobbies Sure. A Barracuda. then again, the Damnsel might beat up the 'cuda. Not far from the truth though. Every damsel I have ever owned has been a mean little SOB. 90galmoneypit - If you want to keep a community tank, you may need to seriously consider removing...
  3. chaoticdamsel

    fire fish goby

    I've never had any problems with a firefish not eating. However, they are notorious jumpers, so be sure you have a lid or something on your tank so they won't go carpet surfing.
  4. chaoticdamsel

    making your own food

    Check out this thread for suggestions. You just want to make sure that you have a good variety of ingredients that suit the feeding needs of your fish (ie, meats for the carnivores and veggies/seaweed for the herbivores)...
  5. chaoticdamsel

    I believe people that own cats are strange.

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 I want to know how your cats survive with your dogs. Depends on the dog. We already had our cat when we got our dog, so she grew up around cats from the time she was a tiny puppy. She harasses the cat and annoys the @!&*% out of him, but not in an agressive or...
  6. chaoticdamsel

    Anybody else out there like to make soup?

    I love to make French Onion soup from scratch. It's time consuming, but it is SO much better than anything I've ever had in a restaurant.
  7. chaoticdamsel

    New to SWF

    You've got a nice start. Is that crushed coral on the bottom? You may want to consider switching to live sand. Crushed coral tends to be a detritus trap, which can lead to nitrate problems.
  8. chaoticdamsel

    Zoanthid ID

    Someone on the local marine club board I also visit agreed with your Whammin Watermelon ID. The Eagle Eye looks similar too and the description on the database said that Whammin Watermelon was a color variation of Eagle Eye, so I guess both IDs are correct. It's obviously a morph in that...
  9. chaoticdamsel

    Another ***** Steal!!!

    You made out like a bandit with that buy! I can't wait to see pics of them in the tank and open.
  10. chaoticdamsel

    Finally! My first inhabitants

    Thanks everyone! Making things even better, my wonderful husband surprised me with a ricordea tonight!
  11. chaoticdamsel

    Funny things your fish do

    Originally Posted by usirchchris This could very well be a sign that the fish is struggling to breath. Fish with ich in their gills will swim into the current (powerhead) to force the water over their gills...could be screaming WHEEE! or maybe screaming HELP!! Good to know.
  12. chaoticdamsel

    So excited!! First real SPS frags!!

    Oooo... very nice!
  13. chaoticdamsel

    Funny things your fish do

    I've had several fish that liked to ride the current in my former 175 gallon aquarium. They would swim up, get right in front of an output nozzle, then ride the current across the length of the tank. Then they would swim back and do it again and agian and again. You could almost hear them...
  14. chaoticdamsel

    Looking for a centerpiece fish

    Check into the various types of fairy wrasses. I think they are stunning.
  15. chaoticdamsel

    Wrong information

    Originally Posted by NigerBang But then again most things will eat snails if they are hungry enough.. Including Bear Grylls Does that man even HAVE a gag reflex? I don't see how he can eat most of that stuff.
  16. chaoticdamsel

    ? about feather duster

    Originally Posted by canareef I would take it off. +1
  17. chaoticdamsel

    This addiction is going to kill (Does shipping bother you)

    Originally Posted by renogaw find local reef club and see if anyone else around you can help with the order :) Good idea! My local reef club goes group orders all the time.
  18. chaoticdamsel

    can I mix damsels in my new 55g?

    Firefish are nice little schooling fish. The only downside is that the are jumpers, so your aquarium would need to have glass tops or something to keep them from going carpet surfing. Green chromis are schooling fish in the damsel family, but they tend to be a lot less aggressive... most of the...
  19. chaoticdamsel

    can I mix damsels in my new 55g?

    Originally Posted by JDL you already have 2 damsels. Your clown is a damsel. Damsels and clownfish are both considered to be in the group of anemone fish, but clowns are not damsels. They belong to a completely different genus. CUfishfan - I agree that you should get your damsel out and stay...
  20. chaoticdamsel

    This addiction is going to kill (Does shipping bother you)

    I always wait to place online orders until I have multiple things to buy. $30 shipping is fairly reasonable considering they are sending live animals overnight, but it's just more cost efficient to do one big order than multiple small ones.