Search results

  1. chaoticdamsel

    Red Sea Cleaner Wrasse

    Cleaner wrasses are kind of like moorish idols in that they have a dismal survival rate in captivity. Bob Fenner, the author of The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, advises that they are better left on the reef. One cleaner wrasse out of thousands will live past a year in captivity. I wish you...
  2. chaoticdamsel

    cleaner wrasse.. conflicting info.

    I had the opportunity recently to hear Bob Fenner speak and one of the species he spoke about was the cleaner wrasse. Just like in the article that spanko referenced, Mr. Fenner stressed that this was a fish 'best left on the reef'. There are always exceptions to every rule in this hobby, but...
  3. chaoticdamsel

    Can i keep a moorish idol and angels in a 20gal?

    Originally Posted by Cleve_seahorse It looks like the butterfly's are in a hang on fry tank...and what was the purpose of turning that powerful pump watch the fish freak out and get sandblasted?? My thoughts exactly. What was he out to accomplish? Invent some new fish torture chamber?
  4. chaoticdamsel

    Crab id

    Looks kind of like a gorilla crab to me... maybe someone else can confirm.
  5. chaoticdamsel

    Reef Tank/Reef Safe??Confused??

    Put simply, a reef tank is one that has corals in it. Your tank would be considered a reef, or at least the beginnings of one, because of your torch coral. Reef safe fish and invertebrates are those that can be trusted around corals. A chocolate chip star isn't reef safe because they are...
  6. chaoticdamsel

    Fish traps please

    I have used the soda bottle trap several times, including for damsels, with good results. I always ended up trapping a couple fish I didn't want to trap at first, but the trap is easy to reset and I always got the fish I was going for in the end. The longest it ever took was a week.
  7. chaoticdamsel

    Do You Use..

    Using the speaker phone in public is bad enough. What's worse, in my opinion is using your cell phone while you're in the restroom. Do you really think that whoever you are talking to wants to have your bodily functions as background 'music' to the conversation? Gross!
  8. chaoticdamsel

    I'm BAAAaaack!

    Originally Posted by dustyboy316 haha you guys aren't in seperate rooms posting at each other are you LOL, no. We have to share one computer.
  9. chaoticdamsel

    You pick my last large coral!

    I also say no to the flower pot coral. Some people have had sucess with them, but that is more the exception than the rule. My vote is the maze brain.
  10. chaoticdamsel

    80 gallon setup for $10

    Thanks everyone! The footprint on this tank is really different than what you would expect. It's almost a cube.... 24 inches long, 24 inches high and 30 inches deep from front to back. It will make a great coral tank. The fish will just have to be kept to the smaller species. No pics yet. I...
  11. chaoticdamsel

    I'm BAAAaaack!

    Dear, my username is ChaoticDamsel on ChaoticByDesign is my username for the local marine aquarium club board that shall remain nameless and linkless so I don't get in trouble with the mods here. Anyway, does anyone else think I need wife of the year award for letting him...
  12. chaoticdamsel

    80 gallon setup for $10

    I attended a local saltwater conference today and after purchasing only $10 in raffle tickets, I walked out with a new 80 gallon tank with a stand and a sump to go along with it. Considering I know there were a couple people there who spent around $500 for raffle tickets to try and win this...
  13. chaoticdamsel

    Tank Broke Yesterday..... :-(

    That's awful! I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you decide to stay in the hobby.
  14. chaoticdamsel

    New to the boards

  15. chaoticdamsel

    Monkey Sneezing

    I saw this little video on a rerun of the Late Show with David Letterman last night and I just died laughing. I don't even know why I think it's so funny, but I laugh every time I watch it...
  16. chaoticdamsel

    Anyone going to Next Wave 2009?

    Are any of you in the Dallas/Fort Worth, TX area going to Next Wave 2009? For those of you not aware, Next Wave is a HUGE one day conference for saltwater enthusiasts... big name speakers, raffles, local vendors with frags and much more. I even noticed that contributed a gift...
  17. chaoticdamsel

    tiny white bugs

    Ditto on the copepods ID. They are very beneficial detritus eaters and a food source for LOTS of different fish. No need to try and 'control' them. They won't take over your tank.
  18. chaoticdamsel

    2 new Zoas..Green Flame and Mello Yellow

  19. chaoticdamsel

    I Just Want To Say...

    Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish omg same here! i found a new fish store about 20 mins away from me and they have a 55 gal filled with different kinds of zoos and brain coral. That's awsome. My LFS just set up some new frag tanks and half of them are different types of zoos and ricordia...
  20. chaoticdamsel

    pic of my ricordia

    I'm still learning about ricordia so I can't help you with your question, but I just have to say that those are STUNNING. I'm so jealous.