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  1. hawkfish203

    Not Happy With Hagen!!!

    My fluval G6 broke down about four days ago and they still haven't got back to me!!!! Just wanted to vent!!!
  2. hawkfish203

    HELP with blue tang!! Experts needed

    What color is the the stuff coming out???
  3. hawkfish203

    foggy eye

    Definitely going to have to agree with them no-ich doesn't work. Do hypo treatment for the puffer they don't usually do well with copper treatment.
  4. hawkfish203

    Help with updating stocklist

  5. hawkfish203

    foggy eye

    I thought I may have read something on a past post that Beth had about new fish with cloudy eyes could be ich related. And he said the fish was a month old so I figured I'd throw it out there
  6. hawkfish203

    Help with updating stocklist

    There are 125's that are 6'
  7. hawkfish203

    foggy eye

    Could be pop eye or I believe sometimes with new fish it could be a sign of ich. Garlic soak the food and use vitamins and see if that helps clear it up. Do you have any pictures?
  8. hawkfish203

    121 random tips and techniques

    Great Info!!!!
  9. hawkfish203

    Nitrate trouble ( possibly due to G6)

    Thanks guys Just ordered some caulerpa What do you think is a sufficient amount of time to wait in between 10% water changes to get the nitrate down before it gets here.
  10. hawkfish203

    Nitrate trouble ( possibly due to G6)

    Can I put that in with the cheato?
  11. hawkfish203

    Nitrate trouble ( possibly due to G6)

    So possibly a turf scrubber?
  12. hawkfish203

    Nitrate trouble ( possibly due to G6)

    So how would you go about fixing this?
  13. hawkfish203

    Nitrate trouble ( possibly due to G6)

    Right now I have a 125 with a 35 gallon sump with a Euro Reef 180 in the sump, where the water comes in I have filter floss and under that I have Chemi Pure elite there is cheato in the fuge and I have a Phosban 150 on the sump that I'm currently not running. Then I have the G6 that I run...
  14. hawkfish203

    Nitrate trouble ( possibly due to G6)

    So what your telling me is that I may not have sufficient filtration for my bio load?
  15. hawkfish203

    Nitrate trouble ( possibly due to G6)

    Seems my nitrates are pretty high and I'm wondering if it's caused by the G6 I'm running? It has these three baskets that you put what they call "G Nodes" Which they say "feature a complex pore system where beneficial bacteria will thrive" And going against my better judgement I have been going...
  16. hawkfish203

    Help! Something is killing all of my fish

    Look at the Diseased Fish (Pictures) posted by beth. Type that in in the search. It's hard to say without a picture but, maybe you can pic it out of the lineup. Sounds like it could be Lymphocyctis.
  17. hawkfish203

    Wanting to get puffer, but dont know what kind.... 200 gallon tank

    I really like the Arothron Puffer it changes from black with white spots to a very nice golden color. There supposed to be pretty peaceful too. Look it up
  18. hawkfish203

    The hubby just HAD to have it........

    Oh and I think the proper name for them are Dardanus megistos.
  19. hawkfish203

    The hubby just HAD to have it........

    No, I give him pieces of silversides, krill, shrimp, scallops. Usually once or twice a week and he seems good because he'll also eat food the fish miss. Just put the food right infront of him with a feeder stick or the long plastic tongs ( Aquarium Planting Tool). Let me know how ya make out...
  20. hawkfish203

    New Bulb Time Looking For Opinions!

    Well do, I ordered them up and should be here next week sometime. I'll post pics once I get them all in might take a month or so till I cycle all the new bulbs in. Thanks For The Info Guys!!!