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  1. coastie55g

    my tank crashed.!!

    i have two hang on the back filters running new carbon as we speak.. and i friend of mine told me about something that is all natural and helps heal fish. made by that company with the dr fish dude.. i threw some of that in there.. i cant recall the name of it at this time.. funny thing is that...
  2. coastie55g

    my tank crashed.!!

    yeah our lease is up in the next month.. and he is leaving.. told the girl friend just gives me a reason to tear the tank down and get that 75 gallon that i have been wanting...:D is there a general "kills all" type of medication out there.. to get the water clean of what ever may be in there...
  3. coastie55g

    my tank crashed.!!

    well like the title claims my tank crashed.. :help: well i went to california for a lifesafers school.. and come home to my tank.. my coral beauty missing.. my skunk cleaner shrimp dead.. one chromis.. then the next day my jawfish was dead.. not happy at all.. i guess my roomate hada party and...
  4. coastie55g

    what are they called?

    now thats def. a DSB.. :D or looks like it to me
  5. coastie55g

    jawfish and a bi color get along??

    just curious if these guys will get along.. ohh a bi color blenny my bad
  6. coastie55g


    you guys/gals ever see that commercial about the rookie fireman i think its a beer commercial.. where the litle kid comes up to the group of guys and ask the "rookie" are you a real fireman" and the old guys are like yeah hes a real fireman.. well i had about the same thing happen to me.... i...
  7. coastie55g

    Tomb of the Unknown - Old Guard

    thanks guys and gals, always brings a tear to my when i read stuff like that... im personally a marine corps brat both mom and dad, just got back from that place they call iraq.. and im working on my fith year active duty in the coast guard... and i love every moment. :happy: but i just...
  8. coastie55g

    Whats the best color of algae??????

    i ordered the lr and i have a ton of purple coraline algea all over..even growning on the glass but its not as thick as the picture:jumping:
  9. coastie55g

    Evaporation top off

    i used tap water for my initial start up and now have been using ro/di water from the lfs.. i noticed the water is more crystal clear as well.. :jumping:
  10. coastie55g

    Never Again

    you and me both.. i have coraline algea all over my LR even my filler rock has it growing now..tank is starting to look awesome with all the purple..
  11. coastie55g

    My shrimp molted and...

    my skunk cleaner did the same thing.. and i about freaked too.. wheni saw the carcase...
  12. coastie55g

    Help please.. diet for a coral beauty

    ohh ok,..its just that i dont wanna loose the guy.. he add so much color to the tank.. on a side note my skunk cleaner shrimp.. changed his shell the past weekend.. thought they hide when this happens??is that a sign that my tank is doing pretty good?
  13. coastie55g

    Help please.. diet for a coral beauty

    Hey guys/gals, i bought a coral beauty thursday and had to work for three days.. when i went to feed the fish like i always do the coral beauty just swap past it all.. flake and pellet... what else do these guys eat.. such a beautify fish i dont wanna loose it to malnuitrition... please help...
  14. coastie55g

    Carbon ????

    i use my magnum hang on back filter for my 55 and it runs 34/7 and on the other side of the tank is a bio wheel HB filter as well cant remember the darn name and im stuck at work.. i prety much use them for water movement and for buildup of organisms what ever may grow for water polishing... i...
  15. coastie55g


    :D CONGRATS!!! i was there in 98. and by the way shes cute...
  16. coastie55g


    i just picked up a coral beauty myself.. and a rather large one at that.. probably to about his potental in growth.. hes a bit shy.. dont know how hes doing as of right now cause im stuck at work till monday morning.. i hopes he is doing good.. cant wait to see him on monday
  17. coastie55g

    Jawfish is finally eating!!!

    :jumping: thanks clint... i sooo thought i was going to loose the guy... bummer i cant have more then one.. he has also made friends with the bi color blenny thats in the tank...they both have the own ends of the tank.. and the coolest thing is they dont fight...getting my flame angel next...
  18. coastie55g

    Jawfish is finally eating!!!

    hey guys,... just wanted to let you all know that my jawfish has broke his spell of not eating..i was beganing to worry actually.. but he loves flake... seems he cant get enuff of it... well just thought id let you all know..:happy:
  19. coastie55g

    how many jawfish can i have in a 55g

    thanks,.. i was origanlly thinking of having like two or three of these guys for my 55 and then a flame angel and that was going to be it.. then try the coral route..the jawfish are just soo kool looking.. they kinda glow when i have just the blue lights on.:jumping:
  20. coastie55g

    how many jawfish can i have in a 55g

    well... i got my first jawfish.. the little [hr] thou made his barrow in the back of the tank... which sucks... the guy at the shop didnt know much about them... but he said that he will eat pellet... is this true guys/ladies??:notsure: and the colors... WOW... and a book that i was reading...