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  1. pufferman


    Just be careful not to step on it!:D
  2. pufferman

    how can he have so many fish??

    It is possible for a VERY short period of time. But, even with the best filtration system in the world, he will not able to sustain them any longer. It's just a matter of time.
  3. pufferman

    Whats the magic rule????

    "Gallon per inch" rule could be quite misleading. I think one should consider length, width, and thickness of the fish (which becomes the approximate volume of the fish body if you multiply them all). This will reflect the actual bioload of the fish and its spatial need.
  4. pufferman

    Help!! is my boxfish dying

    It is true that boxfishes occasionally "shed" mucus layer, but this happens only when they're severely stressed or about to die. I assume your boxfish didn't enjoy being held in a holding container. Ostracitoxin can be secreted either as a pure toxin or as part of mucus. So mucus could be a...
  5. pufferman

    Help!! is my boxfish dying

    I've kept 4 different species of boxfish/cowfish, and never seen anything like this before. What's happening is that your boxfish is releasing ostracitoxin in a form of mucus, and the most likely explanation is he has been harassed by his tankmate(s). Perhaps Pink Spotted Puffer? What kind of...
  6. pufferman


    :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: Now I'm more scared of Baraccuda than Great White.
  7. pufferman

    Lion Fish Invade Carolina Coast

    It's really no surprise......There are many irresponsible and ill-informed fish owners out there who do not even bother to consider the impact of their actions on the marine ecology. The sad part is there is nothing we can do about it.
  8. pufferman

    Stupid Question....

    Generally clownfishes do not grow much in captivity even under the best conditions (except in a very large tank). No need to worry! It's not that you're doing anything wrong. It's just the way they are. The one that you saw at LFS is probably wild-caught. Is there any other reason that you want...
  9. pufferman

    fish price?

    I get many fishes for free regularly. My porky was one of them.
  10. pufferman

    Only 1 Fish Rubs Itself on Sand

    It seems to me he's got some kind of parasites. Some fishes are more susceptible to external parasites than others. It is also possible that some become symptomatic while others show no sign of disease whatsoever, depending upon many factors including the overall health...etc. You can treat him...
  11. pufferman

    queen angel

    as a permanent home --> No as a temporary home -->Yes, but for a few months
  12. pufferman

    Going out of town - fish feeding question...

    Does Eheim Feeder work with frozen food, too? I'm planning a week-long vacation, and I'm not sure what I should do because none of my fishes eats flake food. Is it okay not to feed them for about a week?
  13. pufferman

    800gallon shark pond

    Still, your pond wouldn't be big enough to keep sharpnose happy. They can grow up to 4 ft. When sharks are kept in a cramped environment, you know what happens: they jump out! For any open-water shark, you should look at 2000-3000 gallons as a bare minimum. But, there are many other relatively...
  14. pufferman

    Dogface Puffer Question???

    Triggers are much smarter than you think. They're well aware that puffers are not the ones to mess with. Even the most aggressive trigger would be reluctant to do so. Generally puffers and triggers have few compatibility issues.
  15. pufferman

    OK, What's the catch?

    They're not 100% reef-safe, though. Mine almost killed a juvenile cleaner shrimp.
  16. pufferman

    yet an other shark question

    Smoothhound would be your best bet among active sharks. Actually there is no active true shark that wouldn't outgrow your tank. 810 might sound really huge to most aquarists, but it is considered unacceptably tiny for the majority of actively swimming sharks. If you decide to keep smoothhound...
  17. pufferman


    You would have a much better luck if they are not the same sized because in that way it will accelerate the process of establishing which --- each clownfish is going to be. If they seem to enjoy each other's company (physically associated, not just getting along), then you can say they might've...
  18. pufferman


    They are the same species. Ocellaris clowns can be highly variable in terms of color and marking pattern.
  19. pufferman

    questions about my future shark tank

    Lookdowns are not really suitable for any aggressive tank. They should be kept in a large peaceful community tank.
  20. pufferman

    I need to know about Valentini puffers

    Why feed your valentini live black worms when there is a variety of frozen seafood available on the market? I've never seen a valentini that wound't accept frozen seafood unless it is severely emaciated. Black worms might be nutritionally comparable (though probably not), but they are not the...