Search results

  1. pufferman

    trigger tank 55gal

    Though Nigers are considerably less threat to mobile/sessile invertebrates among many triggers, they are certainly not reef-safe. If you want something close to reef-safe (although there is no such thing as "reef-safe" triggers), get a Blue-throat trigger (or other triggers in the same genus)...
  2. pufferman

    Stocking question

    No way if the tank you'tr planning to keep them is really 46...I heard Look Downs are schooling fishes (They get big ,too!), and their tankmates should be non-rambuctious /slow-swimming. Also, the lionfish and clownfish combo does not work unless you intend to keep your maroon as a feeder.
  3. pufferman

    flame angel fish

    The answer would be "no". But, you might be able to keep flame in 10 for a while, but this is not really recommended and should be done only under extreme circumstances. You need at least 30 gallon tank to comfortably house one.
  4. pufferman

    Puerto Vallarta Pics

    OMG, Passer angels are always my favourite!!! Only if I could get a hold of just a few of them in the picture....:)
  5. pufferman

    weird question

    People usually have no problem with feeding puffers. They would accept anything unless they're sick. Your puffer might have been stung by the bristleworm in the process, which prevents him from swallowing the food you give him. This may explain why your porky just kills goldfish, but not being...
  6. pufferman

    weird question

    I think your porcupine puffer is eating just fine. 3-4 goldfish is quite a lot of food. Do not feed your puffer goldfish anymore. Not only are they nutritionally bad for your puffer, but they make your puffer aggressive (It brings out the hidden predatory nature). There is a great variety of...
  7. pufferman

    80 Gallon Eel Tank

    What have you got against pebble tooth eels?:) They are wonderful eels to have. Anyway, you can basically pick any Gymnothorax (or other fish-eating genus) species that do not get too big for 80. I personally like viper moray since they're one of the smallest eels that you can find, but still...
  8. pufferman

    I need to know about Valentini puffers's definitely not a good sign....especially when you haven't seen it for such a long time. I think the only way to figure out what happened to your angel is to tear apart the entire tank including live rocks and everything. Hope this helps.
  9. pufferman

    weird question

    I don't know. You might want to ask them first :). Puffers are usually solitary in the wild (except during the breeding season) They pretty much ignore their tankmates unless they are small enough to fit into its mouth. From my experience they just don't care. But, this is not always the case...
  10. pufferman

    I need to know about Valentini puffers

    Valentinis are considered one of more mild-tempered tobies. But, still they should not be trusted with any small crustaceans without any protective shell. To answer your questions, i think it is very unlikely that your valentini actually ate your hermit crabs. They are maybe hiding for now. It...
  11. pufferman

    Flame Hawkfish...

    I think one needs something definitely bigger than 10 for any carnivorous fish. Space is not a really big concern here since flame hawk is relatively sedentary. But, you also need to think about the water quality. It is far easier to maintain a good water quality wih a bigger tank. But, as long...
  12. pufferman

    eel on eel

    Mixing two echidna sp. usually poses no problem. Just make sure that chainlink is similar to snowflake in size.
  13. pufferman

    Blue Linkia Starfish

    Yes. Linckia sp. are moderately difficult to keep. They have more complex dietary requirements than just carnivorous stars. Oddly I had more luck with orange/red linckia than blue linckia. They are quite sensitive to changes in their environments. Mine would retract its tube feet whenever I did...
  14. pufferman

    Electric Star Gazer

    There was a long, detailed thread with pictures a while ago. Click on "Search", and type in some of the keywords and you'll find it.
  15. pufferman

    Clown constipation. Need Help yet again!

    How long has your clownfish had "constipation"? Actually, it came across my mind that the same thing happened to me a long time ago, when I first stepped into the world of saltwater. My first fish was a clownfish, and one day it kept rising to the surface no matter how hard he tried to go to the...
  16. pufferman

    CC Star

    Theoretically both niger and spotted puffer feed on starfish in the wild, and CC should be a goner in no time. But, I've kept CC with Bursa trigger and many puffers, and they did fine until it died from osmotic shock. Niger is one of more peaceful triggers. So you can try it at your own risk...
  17. pufferman

    sharks in 250g

    relatively inactive sharks like coral cat, bamboo....etc
  18. pufferman

    fu manchu!

    That's one cool-looking lion! I'm going to give it a try someday.:joy:
  19. pufferman

    Clown constipation. Need Help yet again!

    I would include some algae in his diet. It prevents the incidence of intestinal blockage. This is supposed to be a preventive measure. So I'm not sure whether it'll work or not. I feed all of my fishes marine algae, including many large carnivores. I think all of them benefit from some kind of...
  20. pufferman


    The majority of octopuses/octopi do get big (>15" in most cases). It might be quite hard to find dwarf species. It should not be kept in 30 not just because of its large size but because of their "ink squirting" behavior, which, by the way, can kill itself pretty quickly in a small tank once it...