The little corner piece for the initial intake is simply there because in the beggining I put some liverock in there, but that turned out to trap a lot of detritus so I took them out and now it is just empty. Now I have just one piece of iverock in their solely for the purpose of a hideout for...
Hey, I have sort of the same setup and it works great but I have a 20 L.
Check out the pictures on my build thread. I dont have the exact measurements for the compartments but if you'd like just PM me and I'll send you the measurements.
Just got done upgrading my tank's sump pump and adding a new power head....can't believe i'm so busy that I have to wait till the AM to do anythign with my tank. Ran some water tests too, everythings good cept my nitrates are at 15.......but I know where that came from, sometimes my clownfish...
I just helped a friend with this exact same problem......take a credit card or something like it I.D. card etc. and slowly take up the ends of the anemone. Just make sure you do it slowly and just work it up from the edges, try not to "pinch" the anemone but just try to get under it. It takes a...
So just an update...I put it on a rock, it was nice and happy but I noticed it was moving. It slowly day by day was moving it self into the sand again, now it is back in the same place in the sand . Guess it is more happy in the sand.
This may be a dum question but how do I make it stay upright on a rock?? Like wedge it between something? How will it open up if wedge it? Or do I just stick it on a rock and the clam will do the rest?? Sorry may be dum but this is my first clam
No, the lighter blue areas are actually just its coloring. If I had a better camera you could see how beautiful all its different shades of blue make it look. My camera really doesn't do it justice.
Just checking up, I'm no clam expert but I just wanted to make sure that my clam looks ok. Got it about 1-2 weeks ago and I just wanted to make sure you guys think it looks healthy. It is a bad angle but it is the best I could do with my camera.
From my experience and understanding that is actually just a by product of the algae on the rocks their. It goes away once it is done, but may flare up if you are cyclign your tank or use water that is not RO. You may also get it on the sand too. Don't worry after a while it will go away.