Search results

  1. jwagne267

    Bioluminescent Corals>?

    Anyone know of any bioluminescant corals that can be kept in a tank? I've heard of one called a knob coral but can't seemt o find any on the internet. Looking for something to glow under my led moonlights.
  2. jwagne267

    Cleaning Crew question

    Mine killed all three of my feather dusters and I even tried to actively keep them feed. But who knows could just be the difference in the personality of each crab just like some fish.
  3. jwagne267

    20 Gallon Build

    Hey everybody, I have been saking as much info on this site as I possible have been and I built my own tank started about a month ago and I am currently just about finished my cycle. Would have posted pictures of the build earlier but lost my camera. I will post pics eventually as I will get the...
  4. jwagne267


    If I were to run 2 70 Watt HQI MH bulbs would I need 2 ballast or can I just buy one stronger ballast? Also what would be the best bulbs to buy for it?
  5. jwagne267

    WTB 30"or 24" T5 HO Light

    Looking for a light fixture and/or bulbs for my new 20 gallon long setup. PM me with any details or offers
  6. jwagne267

    Lighting help

    Would a clam be ok under the T5 since the tank is so shallow?
  7. jwagne267

    Chocolate Chip, Linkia, Harlequin Shrimp

    I never had a linkia or harlequin, but I want one in the future and I am waiting for my system to age. I know some people that have 2 harlequin and 5 linkia. The Harlequin rarley eat a lot of one starfish at a time. I don't know if they do it on purpose or if its just a luck thing. But there...
  8. jwagne267

    Lighting help

    What would be better for a 20 gallon long that I would want to keep anything in. 2-70W MH HQI or nova extreme T5HO 4x24Watt. Or just any 4x24Watt. Also what does the K mean when it says like 20K bulb or 14K bulb. I know it mean like 20,000 but what is that about?
  9. jwagne267


  10. jwagne267


    am currently build a new 20 gallone setup and I had a few questions. First my tank is a 20 long witha 10 gallon sump. I just finished build the cabinet for it(will post pictures later) and now I am moving on to plumbing. I just recieved some things I ordered and of course I have more questions...
  11. jwagne267

    Which Lights

    I am going to get retrofit lights and I already have moonlights. Should I get a 150watt metal halide or a 96 watt T5 HO fixture. Seems they cost about the same. I want to be able to keep anythign I want in there. Its for a 20 gallon tank.
  12. jwagne267

    New 20 Gallon setup, need help

    I am currently build a new 20 gallone setup and I had a few questions. First my tank is a 20 long witha 10 gallon sump. I just finished build the cabinet for it(will post pictures later) and now I am moving on to plumbing. I just recieved some things I ordered and of course I have more...
  13. jwagne267

    Corals not good

    So I am giving up opn getting any corals that require good lighting till I can actually get the lights I want. So what are some good corals that I can get with my wondeful 13 watt 50/50 PC lights on my 12 gallon tank? I am giving up bc I got a 20 dollar piece of xenia just so I could see if I...
  14. jwagne267

    Giving up on my lights

    So I am giving up opn getting any corals that require good lighting till I can actually get the lights I want. So what are some good corals that I can get with my wondeful 13 watt 50/50 PC lights on my 12 gallon tank? I am giving up bc I got a 20 dollar piece of xenia just so I could see if I...
  15. jwagne267

    Coral lights

    18 inch Current USA Nova Extreme 2x20 watt T5 HO 10K/460nm Remember I want something that can support anything my heart desires haha.
  16. jwagne267

    Coral lights

    If I wanted to have any type of coral in a small 12 gallon nano then about how much lighting would I need. Would a 20" sunpod 70 watt metal halide light be enough for everything my heart would desire haha?
  17. jwagne267

    New tank

    Thanks NVSbandit anyone else got any other suggestion on good equipment for the 20 gallon long? I plan on have a sump/fuge on it too just so I can have more water. Probably do that with a 10 or 15 galloon tank I already have those two aquariums sitting in my closet collecting dust.
  18. jwagne267

    New tank

    If I have a sump does that mean I will have more water per the whole system and it is just being filtered around from the sump to the tank and then back down to the sump again? If so wouldn't that be better so I can have more water and more stable water conditions.
  19. jwagne267

    New tank

    Right now I have a fish only tank. Been having it for about 6 months now and getting ready to upgrade its lighting so I can get my clowns an anemone. I'm thinking about the 20 for a reef tank only because I am still currently in college and will be for the next 3 years.
  20. jwagne267

    New tank

    Also I don't really know what a sump is and I was wondering if I should have one with a 20 gallon tank.