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  1. molamola

    Project Runway

    Didn't Jay from season 1 do an "Empire State Building" dress? And didn't Chloe find inspiration for an outfit in the exterior of a building? It hardly seems like Angela has any original ideas. Maybe she'll go home tonight :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: As long as Robert and Kayne make it through...
  2. molamola

    Off the subject

    This training regimen might work for you as well. Good luck with the little guy
  3. molamola

    Project Runway

    I'm rooting for Robert Best all the way. I think Robert, Kayne, and Uli will be in the top three. And I was so glad that Keith got kicked off. Now they just need to axe Angela and Vincent, and there will be a lot less whining, and rosettes.
  4. molamola

    Another Introduced Species

    Your funny, I don't see a smile on that fish and that wasn't the dolphin she was referring to. Read thread that we're talking about before putting your .02 in Thx. Actually, I have read that thread, and rather than dredging up the contents of another thread, to further escalate things, maybe...
  5. molamola

    Another Introduced Species

    And since you've had all that schooling, you should know that a dolphin is a mammal, not a fish Let me introduce you to my friend, the dolphin fish, otherwise known as mahimahi
  6. molamola

    Another Introduced Species

    Originally Posted by psyparrot Interesting story about nonnative species: Here in LA about ten years ago, a pet shop caught fire. While the fire deparment was on the way, the employees were busy trying to save the animals. The fire was spreading too fast to be able to carry all the cages out, so...
  7. molamola

    Another Introduced Species

    You come off as a ranting little know-it-all and don't even state your experience on your profile and so what if you work at a LFS(selling whatever makes your boss money to keep your job) and scrub algae at an aquarium. I've been on here 2 months( but visited for 6) and haven't read maybe 1 or 2...
  8. molamola

    what do you think?

    I think it's just another conspiracy theory. It makes for a good movie though
  9. molamola

    Ionic Breeze Quadra w/ Ozone

    I read somewhere that they were unsafe for household pets with sensitive resperatory systems. I don't know how reliable a source it was though :notsure:
  10. molamola

    Rude People !!!!!!!!! Rant!!!!!

    Originally Posted by connor actually your wrong the emploees at my local starbucks and lfs's know me and always help me but i was in daytone where they dont know me Where were your parents during all of this? Do they accompany you to these places, or do you take public transportation...
  11. molamola

    Can’t believe my eyes

    I'll do my best to contribute a few spooky experiences. By no means do they compare to some of the stories on here, but they were enough to scare me (it doesn't take much to do that though). When I was 5 years old, we moved into a new(er) house. One day, my sister and I were playing in my...
  12. molamola

    Can’t believe my eyes

    It's unfortunate that you can't seem to coexist on this forum, without things escalating in this manner. It must be rather exhausting composing such hateful responses, unless you just enjoy being angry all the time. Picking fights on the internet has got to be the most cowardly attempt at...
  13. molamola

    Rude People !!!!!!!!! Rant!!!!!

    i am so tired of rude people...being 13 i get stuff like this alot I don't think it has anything to do with being 13, as I'm 26 and that kind of stuff happens to me too. It's no fun, but it happens to us all. You are 13, and often times, especially in retail environments, people will...
  14. molamola

    Maori Wrasses

    I dunno about a dwarf variety. It's possible, but I've only ever heard of the big huge maori and the one that coach mentioned grew to 42 cm. Still, that's a big fish. :happyfish
  15. molamola

    Brittle Starfish Arm fragment growing!!!

    OPhiura here.....I just happen to work with MolaMola Brittlestars will NOT grow, as a general rule, a new animal from an arm. This only occurs in some, not all species of seastars. Historically they (some predatory stars) were chopped up thinking this would kill them. Happened on Chesapeake...
  16. molamola

    Maori Wrasses

    I don't know how many varieties there are of maori wrasse, but the two that I know of would be a tad bit large for your tank...especially this guy
  17. molamola

    Alien Spacecraft??

    It reminds me of a dragon kite I had when I was a kid. That's a fantastic photo, and a beautiful lion
  18. molamola

    Fish Tank Can Be a Haven for Salmonella??

    Is it possible that salmonilla is being introduced through fish food? I remember during the mad cow scare, that certain brands became unavailable because they were manufactured in England and contained some sort of cow part. I dunno. The people that came down with it probably overfed and...
  19. molamola

    FYI: Mycobacterium marinum

    That's just plain gross but very informative. I caught something narsty when I cut my finger on an oyster spat 10 or 11 years ago. I also know a guy that had his leg amputated after he cut his ankle on a barnacle :scared: This is why you should excercise great caution when dealing with...
  20. molamola

    Most expensive LFS buys

    I saw a geometric hawk online for $130.00 I picked mine up for $20.00 Sweetest little fish ever :happyfish