Search results

  1. blk822

    looking for a hang on protein skimmer

    I use a Berlin Classic hang on skimmer .It works really well. I have never had any problem with it. Just need to clean it once and awhile but thats really pretty easy to do.And I think I spent about $225 for it with the rio pump.
  2. blk822

    peppermints -- killers?

    I thought I had only 4 but the other day saw that I had 6 peppermints. I love them they only eat aptasia and stuff I feed my fish. They a pigs though. they will come out when I'm at the tank and just look at me. I would never get ride of mine. Maybe something else is in your tank. Or you have a...
  3. blk822

    RO/DI Questions

    I ordered one of those ro/di units also. I should be getting mine on tues. Has anyone tested the water from it yet? I am interested int the results...I have heard that they work pretty well. I have been fighting water quality problem in this apartment sence I moved in a year ago. But I am...
  4. blk822

    Have you guys ever seen this stuff at LFS called RealOcean for water changes

    I just think if you filtered sea water you would remove alot of the elements of true sea water. If it's filtered and treated then your just buying a man made water just like having a ro/di and mixing salt yourself. But it would probly aide in your start up. I'm not an expert just giving my...
  5. blk822

    Have you guys ever seen this stuff at LFS called RealOcean for water changes

    I wouldn't use it for top off though it will just increase your salinity. But I think its just pretty much water strat from the ocean. I don't know if its from a source close to land where waters can be polluted.
  6. blk822

    LR supposed to be pink?

    I believe that live rock isn't actually rock but a build up of dead coral skeletons and such that has grow and died. and after may , may years of this it becomes like a rock. So something that has grow to make this peice of rock may have been this color. Well I may just be full of it...
  7. blk822

    no good test kits?

    Dosn't anyone make a complete test kit for reef aquariums? I would like to buy a test kit that has all the tests. Not just the basics. I found a professional kit for $375 but it only tests amonia, nitrite,nitrate,dis. ox, alk, ph and temp. What about phos. ,silicates, and all that good stuff. I...
  8. blk822

    How to get rid of teensy weensy aptisia

    I have scrapped off those things befor and then ran fresh water over the area for a minute or two and it worked. I wouldn't run the water all over the rock though it may kill some good stuff also. The best thing I have use was kalk mixed with just alittle water to make a past. Put just a drop...
  9. blk822

    New Ro system.

    thats good to hear. I was worried. And it was really cheap some kind of promo price. CAnt wait for it to show up...come on UPS
  10. blk822

    New Ro system.

    I just got the same one but with out the tank and fauset. I hope it works good .Im getting mine in about 5 days. But for the price I can't complain. I can always get better filters for it if it dosn't work so well.
  11. blk822

    6 stage ro/di any good?

    Yep bought it on E-Bay from filter direct will be here in a few days. Hope its not a peice of crap....
  12. blk822

    calcium and iodide

    if you add alot of cal. it will cloud the water but only for a few minutes.
  13. blk822

    ID for hitchiker coral (picture)

    The macro looks like a kelp that grows in the pacific But I can't think of the name.
  14. blk822

    useing a trash can to hold water

    Do you need to clean them befor you use them and if so what did you use to clean it?:jumping:
  15. blk822

    6 stage ro/di any good?

    I just bought a 6 stage ro/di and don't know if I made a misstake. It was pretty cheap, really cheap and I hope I didn't get ripped off. It's made by water general and I just want to know if anyone has one of these units and if it works good or not. I hope I didn't buy a peice of junk.....It's...
  16. blk822

    blue carpet, after 1 month

    ok here it is with out the tang:yes:
  17. blk822

    blue carpet, after 1 month

    heres mine under 4 110 watt vhos 2 actinic white and 2 03 actinics.
  18. blk822

    blue carpet, after 1 month

    I have a 75 gal. and I used 4 110 watt vho's for a long time. Now I'm trying 6 110 watt vho's to see if it makes a difference.
  19. blk822

    Bioballs and skimmer.

    Some skimmers use bio balls to brake up the air bubbles into a finer bubble. I tried it on my Berlin and it didn't work well at all. Probly because it wasn't designed for it. And if I put shells in it ,they would spin around and cause damage to the acrylic tubes.
  20. blk822

    When i clean my bio balls should i just swish them around in salwater?

    Ive never had to clean mine. If you scrub them than you may kill the bacteria, and that wouldn't be smart if your still cycling your tank. And the sponge in the over flow is just to catch large particals befor they get into your sump and plug it up.