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  1. blk822

    blue carpet, after 1 month

    Looks great, I hope you have as good a luck with yours as I did with mine. I moved mine last month about 12" and after a week it decieded to move right back to it's original spot. It even moved a rock to get there.
  2. blk822

    doimino acting silly?!

    i had a long tenticle an. for a while with a clown and a large domino. they used to fight for the anemone. Then when the domino got large I bought two small dominos and put them in the tank . The large one paired off with one of the small ones and the would lay eggs on the rock and the small one...
  3. blk822

    doimino acting silly?!

    I have read that some damsels will host in anemones. That may be what its doing.
  4. blk822

    POLL: Tasting the flake.

    And the test was that the water from the tap was at 20 ppm and the water with the food was at 30 ppn after only 10 minutes of sitting, and this is a very small sample.
  5. blk822

    POLL: Tasting the flake.

    i just put some prime reef flake in some water to test for nitrates and I didn't taste it but it smells just just like fresh ocean fish. You would recognise the smell if you have ever cleaned a fish caught in the ocean. I think its a good smell , but I really like to fish.
  6. blk822

    Identify this Anemone please

    I had mine in a 75gal with 440 of VHO's and it did really well .It grew very fast also. But my ballast went out and I had no light for 5 days and I lost it and many really great corals. Now I just work to perfect my water quality and lighting , then I will invest in some more corals. Well more...
  7. blk822

    Chaetomorpha harvesting?

    I just bought some of this to start a refuge in my sump since I don't use half of it for anything. I have heard that it dosn't produce as bad a toxins like caulerpa. But it did say that there were some toxins but just not as bad. Can anyone give me some advice on harvesting this stuff and if I...
  8. blk822

    Identify this Anemone please

    J-Cal is right they like to have the base in the sand bed. They will also grow pretty fast. I had one that was the same colors. Pretty hardy also. But get it in the sand.
  9. blk822

    Peppermint with eggs

    I have 4 peppermints and 2 of them have eggs under there tails, has anyone ever had them hatch in there tank befor. And if so will any survive?
  10. blk822

    Anenome food ?

    I have a carpet and I feel it tuna ,sardines and herring. The tuna and sardines are canned from the grocery store but I get the ones packed in water. And the herring are frozen for fishing bait. You also can get frozen anchovies also. And I havn't had any problems at all. And a tin of sardines...
  11. blk822


    How Much did you put in...????? It only takes a very little amount. You should use a test kit when adding that stuff. To much can Kill your corals also. And You did use marine Iodine right???
  12. blk822

    Best way to acclimate corals? has all the instructions on how to accl. You can even print it up.....Drip works best for me..I havn't lost anything sence I started to use this method.
  13. blk822

    Being Stung

    Bristle worms will sting, some anemones can sting pretty good also. Lots of fish have bards also.
  14. blk822

    Steel wool in the fish tank

    Well I Guess so .It uses Anerobic bacteria to get rid of the mitrates. It's supposed to work pretty well. And It did befor I took out the filter when I put in a sump, and now I want to use it again because it really did work but I never put in any steel wool.
  15. blk822

    Should I go with Glass or Acrylic

    The only thing I didn't like about acrylic was the holes in the top. It was hard to reach the lowest parts of the tank along the front to clean.:happyfish
  16. blk822

    Steel wool in the fish tank

    I have a DAS aquarium. This tank has a overflow filter box built into it. I have added a few things to it like a separate sump and a good protein skimmer . But it has a slow trickle filter and a fast filter. The trickle filtre is to remove nitrates..which I have a problem with. I havn't used...
  17. blk822

    Question for everyone?????

    I had a really bad aptasia problem and bought peppermints. They didn't eat anything. So I kill alot of the aptasia by injecting them with a rreeeaaallyy thick mixture of Kalk. They let me put the needle right in there mouth ,if I moved very slowly. Then My peppermints molted and they started to...
  18. blk822

    Water from the store

    I s it cheaper to own a house unit? And if I dont have the resourses to buy now then it would be ok to use for now?
  19. blk822

    red algae

    I ahve used a product called RED SLIME REMOVER. thats really what its called. It works but if your O2 is low you can have a real problem. I used this stuff and I think my o2 was low and during use you have to turn off protien skimmers . The next day I had a tank full of dead fish. So be really...
  20. blk822

    Good Lighting for a 75?

    I personaly feel that 5-6 watts per gal is a really good starting point. And this has supported alot of things in my tank.