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  1. blk822

    Lesson Learned about useing Tap water?

    I had a red slime remover take all the o2 out of my water befor and everything died over night. I think your problem was the conditioner and most likly the age of it.
  2. blk822

    Anemone in reef tank?

    My carpet is growing and spreading out and getting close to stuff but I have had him for 3 years and love it to much to get rid of it. And I have found that if you keep them fed thay will stay put . I think they move to search for a better supply of food or maybe current to supply food, or...
  3. blk822

    kinda urgent plz help

    You can move your rock around to brake up the damsels territories and leave the gramma in .Then they will all be to buisy making new homes to worry about the new fish. Or you can get another damsel that will really upset them and they will spend all there time chasing it,,,Just kidding but...
  4. blk822

    feeding an anenome

    I use frozen harring from the bait store. It's cheap .I just cut one in half and thaw it out in a glass of warm water then place it in the anenome. I have also use shrimp in the can, and tuna in water, silver sides, but mostly harring that were packaged for bait, they just freeze them with no...
  5. blk822

    best way to move a reef tank 30 miles

    I don't know how warm it is where your at but I would use Ice chests to keep everything warm. I lost alot of critters on a move due to the stuff getting to cold. And it takes some time to set up the tank to put in the critters and have it up to temp for them. Plus there will be clouding of the...
  6. blk822

    ro/di unit

    best thing I ever did for my tank.
  7. blk822


    I had them a while back and I placed them on the top touching the back glass and they spread up the glass. They got about the size of a dinner plate when my ballast burned up and the lights were out for about 4 days. They all died. Now I have new ones and am trying the same thing.
  8. blk822

    To jedininja

    Well I would just like to apologise to you . You where right about the guy on E bay selling crap. And I defended the jerk. I just wanted to let you know I appreciate what you were trying to do and I jumped the gun. Sorry.
  9. blk822

    Warning, another hoax product on EBAY!!

    No I'm not new. I have had my tank for over 5 years. I just lost most of my detrovores and such a year ago when I had to move. the sand and rock had gotten to cold. So now I have many worms in my sub. but I'm looking to get back the micro stars and such like I used to have. And they multiply in...
  10. blk822

    Chromis with a hole......

    I have had this chromis for about 3 years and today I can see a hole in its gill cover with something in it. If anyone has seen this please let me know. He isn't swimming around to much and it dosn't seem bothed by it. Any Ideas.
  11. blk822

    Warning, another hoax product on EBAY!!

    Well I may be stupid but I bought a bottle of this stuff. It comes in a little clear squirt bottle with no label. About 10 oz.s Its a slight yellow color and just a little thicker than water. It has a fish egg smell to it ,if you have ever smelled like salmon eggs out of a fish just caught. And...
  12. blk822

    Brissle Worm!!!!

    If your anemone moves then you usually have something making it unhappy and it's looking for the happy place. If it dies then you may not have a happy place in your tank. And anemones need alot of light also. It maybe that you need to get your lighting problem fixed first. then look into more...
  13. blk822

    green star polyps

    I just got some two weeks ago and they took a week to open. I had some befor that I had on top of my rock and they spread up the back glass and it looked really cool. I'm trying to get these to do the same thing.
  14. blk822

    Colored buttons....

    I'm lookin for Colored buttons and am having a hard time finding any good ones. I'm looking for orange ones with blue, and orange with green and so on.....I don't see that even offers any.....Where to look?
  15. blk822

    refugium vs wet/dry

    It will also help with ph fluctuation and you can grow phytos and such in there to feed your tank. But I did it to keep down Nitrates and phosphates. I also switched to ro/di water . And the macros you grow will make a good food source for tangs and such. Lots of critters over time will make it...
  16. blk822

    refugium vs wet/dry

    I ahd a wet dry for a year or so and nothing special ever happened .I converted it into a refuge and now I have great water quality and almost no nussence algae. I am very glad I did it.
  17. blk822

    Mantis bait???

    I think I have a mantis. I hear clicking all the time now and it's getting pretty loud. I would like to catch this critter and I was wondering if the bottle method works and what bait is best???
  18. blk822

    Attack Galaxy.......

    It seems that the larger they get the more aggersive it gets. Sweeper are out most of the day. I'd hate to see it at night.
  19. blk822

    Attack Galaxy.......

    Now here it sits.
  20. blk822

    Attack Galaxy.......

    I have a Galaxy coral I bought about 1 1/2 years ago and it has grown into a sweeper machine. A week or so ago I had to pull a sweeper out of my Toad stool , so I moved it lower. They yesterday I had to pull a sweeper out of my buttons. It killed two of them and the toad stool lived. So now it...