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  1. blk822

    KH and Cal. to high????

    dKH is a different way to messure it I guess
  2. blk822

    KH and Cal. to high????

    I tested for carbonate hardness KH and calcium Ca not sure about dkh
  3. blk822

    KH and Cal. to high????

    Well I have been dosing with kalk and seachems marine buffer thats only supposed to go to 8.4 and I tested tonight and KH was 320 ppm and Cal. was 620 ppm. What should I do? Will this cause problems???All other test were great. HELP....
  4. blk822

    Worm Id..

    Well I looked on google and found that Its most likely a peanut worm. There are different kinds I guess. But I can't find much info on what they eat and if they will spread? I know that right now they only live in one of my rocks. Well If anyone has more info I'd be glad to hear it. THanks to all ..
  5. blk822

    Worm Id..

    thanks for the direction, I will look for more info on them.
  6. blk822

    Worm Id..

    Well I just bought a red LED flashlight yesterday and last night decieded to try it out on the tank.I was looking for the source of a clicking that I think is a shrimp but have never seen. I was suprized by a few worms coming out of just one peice of rock like an elephant trunk and eatting stuff...
  7. blk822 is the best

    I will never order from anyone other then Ijust got an order I got from another site that says they wont sell it to you if they wont put it in there own tanks. Well I'd like to say besides being overcharge $60 on my card I recieve some of the worst looking corals, they were supposed to...
  8. blk822

    Red feather duster Q?

    I just ordered a red feather duster and am receiving it tomarrow and is this any different then the regular old giant feather dusters to care for?
  9. blk822

    Snail on toadstool

    My snails get on mine to. Also the blue legs get up there too. I think sometimes with low current flow you get alittle algae build up on them at night and the snails and such go lookin for it. I could be very wrong though. But mine also get up there. I worry about the blue legs more though...
  10. blk822

    Fighting the Cyno Battle

    Be very careful with the ultralife red slime remover It will greatly lower O2 levels. I lost all my fish once over night using it.
  11. blk822

    Brown Algae Overnight.........again!

    You need to use test kits to check your water not an anenome. I have had my blue carpet for over 3 years and my water has had some times where it had really high nitrates and phos. And I finally quit using tape water and that helped alot, but I still have to watch whats going on with good test kits.
  12. blk822

    Kalk causing skim...

    Kalk can precipitate phos. from top off water so if you let the actuall white stuff get in your tank you may be adding phos.
  13. blk822

    magnesium question?

    I have read that you have to be careful of some mag. products because alot of them contain Amonia...I use Seachem it says no amonia.
  14. blk822

    cleaner shrimp had babies!

    My peppermints had some too. I was looking in my refuge laste night and saw a whole mess of these little shrimp swimming around. I'm going to check again tonight and see if any are left. If so I'll get some baby pics. I also saw some other clear crab lookin things I'd like to get a pic of but...
  15. blk822

    Coraline Help

    Should I scurb them when they get pinply? My pinks are getting really ruff lookin.
  16. blk822

    Coraline Help

    I am trying to get my coraline to spread and was wondering if it grows faster under low or intense lighting. My water is good. Nitrite 0.0 Amon. 0.0 phos. 0.1 nitrates 0.0 cal. 400 mag. 1250 str. 30 ph 8.4 sal.1.025 all ppm. And I have started dosing Coral vital. It seems that the green...
  17. blk822

    What would you do? ASAP

    I have heard that most angels will go for corals but I had a koran that never touched one. But if I had known they like corals I wouldn't have bought one.And I don't haveit any more.
  18. blk822

    changed to ls now corals are dying

    Was the new water up to temp befor you added the corals and such? And how cold did everything get out of the tank. You should have re acclimated everything to your new water.
  19. blk822

    Watts your lighting? Please list some specs.....

    I have always used URI bulbs. I run 3 110watt actinics, and 3 110watt white/actinics. These all sit about 1" off the water of my 75 gal. I have always loved the way everything looks.
  20. blk822


    I watched a show on discovery about pistols and the snap is used to stun its pray. they flick there claw so fast it makes a shock wave and the sound. They didrect it a pray to kill or stun it. May be a different kind because I can hear one in my tank clicking all night long. And its really loud...