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  1. lionfish1

    Schooling fish

    Well I have an old pic of some coral catfish I used to have. The only problem is that they like to dig holes in the sand to hang out in.
  2. lionfish1

    Lets see some Zoo's

    These were my first zoo's. It started as about 5 polyps, and I was amazed at how fast they spread.
  3. lionfish1


    bump :happyfish
  4. lionfish1


    can you email me too thanks
  5. lionfish1

    about ready to give up!!!

    I recommend rowaphos because when it's used up it will not leach back into the water. It comes with a filter bag you can put anywhere in a high flow area (like your sump).
  6. lionfish1


    which bottle do you guys use the blue or green? Also do you order it online or do you have store near you who sells it?
  7. lionfish1

    about ready to give up!!!

    I agree with chilwil. I had the same prob with algae and finally got some rowaphos and the problem cleared up immediatly. I haven't had a problem since.
  8. lionfish1


    I was wondering what you all think is the best phyto product to put in your tank. I'm starting to get more corals and was just wondering. thanks
  9. lionfish1

    Anyone have an opinion on sunpod lights?

    I have this unit also and love it. The 14K lights look great.
  10. lionfish1

    Helpppppppppp Emergency, Posion????

    you should be fine if it's only on your hands. It will probably only stain your hands for a bit.
  11. lionfish1

    New ?150

    I had a tank that size on my main floor with a basement beneath which is pretty much like a second floor and didn't have a problem. I did have it against an outside wall however. Hope this helps.
  12. lionfish1

    Any pictures of lions

    Here's a pic of a Lionfish I used to have in my old tank. :happyfish
  13. lionfish1

    My New Tank

    Before you put the live rock in make sure you are very sure you love your damsels. They are a pain to get out later if you decide you don't like them.
  14. lionfish1

    How to tell if salt is dissolved?

    the mixing for 24 hrs isn't only to make sure everything is disolved. You should airate(sp) your water also to get your ph at a stable level.
  15. lionfish1

    Too Much Light?

    that's why I have 14k's and I think when i get new lights I'm getting some 20K.
  16. lionfish1

    Too Much Light?

    That picture is older Right now I have some zoos, alot more live rock, and algae
  17. lionfish1

    Too Much Light?

    There are fans in the fixture but they are just to cool the fixture. I have moved them a little higher but I still get about a 4 deg. swing. So i'm going to get some fans to point at the water.
  18. lionfish1

    Refractometer vs Hydrometer???

    Originally Posted by PClown I have the one from this site and it works great agreed
  19. lionfish1

    Too Much Light?

    Don't know if this is really an answer but I have 2x150 mh HQI on my 20 gal. The only real problem I have is temp.
  20. lionfish1

    I just hate seeing my Hermits in a cerinth shell

    I have a snail that loves his nassairius (sp) shell. I think it looks good on him though