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  1. lionfish1


    Originally Posted by johnp906 How do you figure the size of the recommended clean up crews on this site? If you go to the reef packages tab on the right they sell packages by your tank size
  2. lionfish1

    Live rock question

    Yes, and it comes in a styrophome(sp) box wrapped in newspaper. And it's doing fine.
  3. lionfish1


    Hey I had one of these once upon a time. :happyfish
  4. lionfish1

    big live rock

    I've heard of ppl using a chisel and hammer breaking it into smaller pieces.
  5. lionfish1

    loctite super glue gel question

    Lowes, Home D, just about any hardware place in the adhesive section.
  6. lionfish1

    Show Pics of Your Nano

    Here's a pic of my 20 I'm trying to turn into a reef. :happyfish after and before
  7. lionfish1

    Damsels are too smart!!

    Originally Posted by maxalmon When I had my fish only tanks, we actually left the fish net in the top ofthe tank so that they got used to seeing it, after a week, the little brat came up for food and "Bam" got him... Just did this last week left the net in for about 3 days put some food in...
  8. lionfish1

    Calling all trigger owners/previous owners!

    I may just be the exception but I had a lion and a trigger in my 130g without any problems.
  9. lionfish1

    is this too much lr?

    Here's my 20 long with 40-45lbs. :happyfish
  10. lionfish1

    FOWLR question

    Depends on the kind of fish you have.
  11. lionfish1

    tank is not level..

    Originally Posted by some1fishy Depending on the size of your tank, and if you have access to a local hardware superstore (Depot or Lwes) you can use wood shims to fit under the stand and level it off. You can cut the exposed pieces of the shim with a sharp utility knife flush and you will never...
  12. lionfish1

    tank is not level..

    I would say this is a problem because your floor must be not level, But when you say out of level are saying alot or just a bit?
  13. lionfish1

    how much water

    I don't think it's the water really you need to save. It's the rock and sand that needs to be kept alive. Like the other poster said get some rubbermaids to transfer the stuff.
  14. lionfish1

    Water ??

    well the dispenser in my wally is a culligan machine and says nothing of RO or DI so I don't know if it is or not.
  15. lionfish1

    is this too much lr?

    I also have a 20g with 40-45lbs of rock. I'm at work right now so I can't post a pic but I'll get one up later. :happyfish
  16. lionfish1

    water changes

    I have a 20g and have 2 5g pails. I syphon(sp) water out with clear tubing into one pail. Then I use a half gal pitcher to put the other pal of water into the tank. Works for me, however if you have a sump or refuge that is always a good place to do it also.
  17. lionfish1

    Evaporation Question

    Originally Posted by Leafer So, with all the evaporation, why don't you use a canopy? Most people don't use glass tops, or any covering becaus some lighting heats up the water more with no surface cooling, also with no tops you get better gas exchange.
  18. lionfish1

    Water ??

  19. lionfish1

    Water ??

    Which is the better wally world water to use? The distilled or the drinking water that says it comes from RO?
  20. lionfish1

    Spotted Sweetlips

    Originally Posted by ophiura I agree, and about becoming, uh, less attractive down the road. But all this is based on one assumption: If they survive the first few months ...which many, many don't. Definitely one to leave in the ocean. Yea, my local Deathco has two 3"-4" in one of there 10g...