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  1. lionfish1

    Does anyone have pictures of Copper on your Rocks?

    I have green coraline on some of my rock, I'll see if I can get a pic up later for you.
  2. lionfish1

    Help Me Identify

    Originally Posted by kaighan ... hopefully i successfully attached the picture.. nope try again
  3. lionfish1

    POLL sorta

    I do 15% every week, and I use salifert tests. :happyfish
  4. lionfish1

    Off topic....

    Yes it was while we were on a cruise, and if I was sober for more than an hour while on the cruise maybe I could remember what island it was LOL.
  5. lionfish1

    Off topic....

    I have some vacation photos that I like
  6. lionfish1


    I had one in my 130g and they do need lots of swimming room because he was all over the place in there.
  7. lionfish1

    How should you arrange live rock?

    Originally Posted by chadman that is 40lbs?!?!?! looks more like 140lbs...haha LOL the picture is decieving it's only a 20g tank
  8. lionfish1

    lets see some of your rockwork

    I bought mine at two 20-25lbs different times (as you can see some rocks are darker than the others)
  9. lionfish1

    lets see some of your rockwork

    Here's mine :jumping:
  10. lionfish1

    How should you arrange live rock?

    I have about 40lbs I just kind of threw it in stacked loosely so fish can swim between them
  11. lionfish1

    algea / unwants

    Originally Posted by Crox But now I am battling cyano in my tank. It's taking over !!! Yea i'm starting to get some of that too. I have a snail who has it all over his shell spreading it everywhere I think he's getting a scrub down this weekend.
  12. lionfish1

    Plumbing help

    Just a quick 2c 45's work much better flow wise(don't lose as much) than 90's
  13. lionfish1

    New Fish Arrived

    See if one of your LFS will take it for store credit (That's what I would do) If you got it for free any credit you get is awsome.
  14. lionfish1

    NOTE: File size

    I think what he is saying is nothing so big you have to scroll over the window to see the whole thing and read the posts.
  15. lionfish1

    algea / unwants

    My bubble clump
  16. lionfish1

    Something new growing in my tank??? ID???

    NO pic? :notsure:
  17. lionfish1


    I also had a trigger and lion together and like wanabebell said I would feed every day and didn't have a problem.
  18. lionfish1

    What camera are you using

    I was wondering about the settings also as far as iso, shutter speed, f, and so on does anyone have a clue or know a website that gives recomondations?
  19. lionfish1

    Salt Mix Quality & Consistency Experiment

    I'd be willing to participate just to see the outcome.
  20. lionfish1

    Is everybody using a refractometer?

    I will never use a hydromoter again.