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  1. reefin_with_jesus

    what do you do? glass tops

    I use VHOs over my 90-gallon w/out a glass top. They are about 9" off the surface of the water and I'm very pleased. If you use glass tops, clean them VERY often. HTH. Lance.
  2. reefin_with_jesus

    Sand-Sifting Star experience

    Thanks for the input. I've posted this question on 2 other boards and gotten similar answers. I think sometimes we take the "experts" to seriously. Nothing beats real experience. Thanks. Lance.
  3. reefin_with_jesus

    Sand-Sifting Star experience

    For some reason, I seem to have a great pod population. I cleaned out my prefilter in my overflow today, and there had to be at least 50 pods living in my overflow/sponge. I was amazed. I see them all the time at night as well. I break out the flashlight after the lights are out. Thanks for...
  4. reefin_with_jesus

    Sand-Sifting Star experience

    C'mon, guys. Someone has to have some experience in this area. Otherwise, everyone is just going off of what the "experts" suggest with no real experience of their own. I would hate to think this is the case. :D
  5. reefin_with_jesus

    Sand-Sifting Star experience

    I have read plenty about sand-sifting stars and how they can decimate a LS bed, but right now I'm more interested in actual experience with these creatures. For those of you who have/had a sand-sifting star with a DSB: 1.) Does your sand bed look healthy, i.e. lots of critters moving around...
  6. reefin_with_jesus

    Hellooooo Lights!

    SaltyJay, I got the 4 lamp ballast and keep my actinics and daylights all on that ballast. I put a 40-watt NO actinic bulb in the old fixture that came with the tank and I set that one to come on before and go off after the main lights. If this is an option for you, that's a good way to do it...
  7. reefin_with_jesus

    Hellooooo Lights!

    I just received my 46.5", 4 lamp VHO retro kit from yesterday. It's simply awesome. There's quite a difference between the 40 watts that were there and the 440 watts that are there now. :D I have a question for you guys. Should I acclimate my tank to the new lights, or...
  8. reefin_with_jesus

    difference in VHO and compact fluoresent

    It's not the fact that IceCap makes the ballast that allows the VHO bulbs to run longer, it's the fact that it's an electronic ballast instead of a conventional tar ballast. Mpst ballasts sold on the market today for VHO's are electronic.
  9. reefin_with_jesus

    I'm tired of water changes..

    Just post the stinkin' thing. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
  10. reefin_with_jesus

    difference in VHO and compact fluoresent

    I can't offer too much info on this subject, but I sure hate it when I get no replies to my questions. Here's what I've been told. PC's are great and pack a big punch for their size and price. VHO's seem to be more about POWER. I'm generally told that PC's are great for smaller applications...
  11. reefin_with_jesus

    Hey, austin01...please read

    Wow, good to hear from another one from Jax. I, too, used to live in Orlando. I think Atlantis is in the Hodges/Beach area. Not real sure though. You'll probably have to look up their number under Bio-Reef since they just changed names.
  12. reefin_with_jesus

    Hey, austin01...please read

    That's too funny. I haven't been over there yet. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the info.
  13. reefin_with_jesus

    Hey, austin01...please read

    Alright Austin...I know you're out there somewhere.
  14. reefin_with_jesus

    Corraline on back glass as background

    Actinics in the rear, huh? I thought you were supposed to evenly distribute the light as best you could across the tank. Does this not have much effect on that? Thanks for the replies everyone.
  15. reefin_with_jesus

    Hey, austin01...please read

    I too live in Jax., FL and am curious what part of town you live in and where you go for your SW supplies. The only place I have found that I like at all is Bio-Reef. But it's at the beaches and I live in Mandarin. Aqua Zoo has terrible customer service and I don't like the ownership much...
  16. reefin_with_jesus

    Corraline on back glass as background

    How many of you let the corraline algea build up on the back of the glass in your tank and just use that to serve as your background? I would love to see pics if anyone has some. Thanks.
  17. reefin_with_jesus

    Help Little sponges everywhere

    I too have these all over my tank. Why exactly do you want to get rid of them though? Are they causing harm, or do you just not like the way they look?
  18. reefin_with_jesus

    Got lights, now what?

    Thanks for the reply, NM. What is this cheap way that I could get the micro fauna that you alluded to?
  19. reefin_with_jesus

    Got lights, now what?

    I finally purchased my lights. I went with the 4-light, 440 watt, 46.5" VHO kit from HelloLights. Total price inluding lights and shipping was 261.95. This will leave me enough money to purchase something else. I was thinking of either getting the Live Sand Activator from ipsf or going with...
  20. reefin_with_jesus

    Buying lights

    I believe I have made my decision. I've decided to go with 440 watts of VHO for now and upgrade by adding MH as my tank matures. I'm going with the IceCap 660 retro kit from Premium Aquatics. They seemed to have the cheapest price at $349.17, including shipping. Champion Lighting was about...