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  1. meadbhb

    cycling 30g with LR

    Hiya, Arkey, have you taken some water to your local store for testing? Maybe it's your test kits? Also, are you using tap water or RO water? Meadbhb
  2. meadbhb

    cycling 30g with LR

    Hiya, I added 25lbs LR to my 37 gallon along with 40LBs of base rock and my tank cycled within two weeks with no shrimp or fish to cycle it. Meadbhb
  3. meadbhb

    Protein Skimmers on an Eclipse

    and last
  4. meadbhb

    Protein Skimmers on an Eclipse

    a third.
  5. meadbhb

    Protein Skimmers on an Eclipse

    another one.
  6. meadbhb

    Protein Skimmers on an Eclipse

    I finally got some pictures of my HOB on my Eclipse. I'm not sure how well you can see how it's put on though.
  7. meadbhb

    Petsmart Return/Exchange Policy?

    and last
  8. meadbhb

    Petsmart Return/Exchange Policy?

    and another.
  9. meadbhb

    Petsmart Return/Exchange Policy?

    here's another one
  10. meadbhb

    Petsmart Return/Exchange Policy?

    Hiya, Here's a few pictures of my HOB on my eclipse. Hopefully the pictures will show up. Just to let you know, this is my first SW tank. I had done FW for over 20 years. Meadbhb
  11. meadbhb

    Petsmart Return/Exchange Policy?

    Hiya, There is an upgrade for the lighting system on the Eclipse. So far, I've kept a leather, mushrooms, polyps and a torch alive and happy in there. It upgrades to a 10K and 65K compact system. Yes, I did have my hood modified to put a skimmer on there. Thankfully my LFS owner was willing...
  12. meadbhb

    Pods and fauna

    Hiya, You could always put a few pieces of rubble in the refg and transfer it back and forth between it and the main tank to help the pod population. Meadbhb
  13. meadbhb

    Drilling Live Rock

    Hiya, Drilling on dry hard rock will cause the drill bit to over heat. They're suggesting you pour water on the spot where the drill meets the rock so it keeps the drill bit cool. I wouldn't use dowls they'll eventually desintergrate. Why are you wanting to drill the LR anyway? Is this to...
  14. meadbhb

    A Fashion statement for 2005

    Hiya, I think those crabs are really cool, but I'm afraid to put one in my reef tank. I'd be afraid he'd clip something I don't want trimmed. Meadbhb
  15. meadbhb

    brown sand

    Hiya, I'd add more clean up crew. They'll help take care of your diatom and algea bloom. Meadbhb
  16. meadbhb

    Petsmart Return/Exchange Policy?

    Hiya, I have a 37 gallon eclipse system and I love it. I've even got a HOB skimmer. NO problems so far. Meadbhb
  17. meadbhb

    Duster Colony

    Hiya, Yeap, I've got a small colony in white growing on one of my rocks. Meadbhb
  18. meadbhb

    Christmas Gifts

    Hiya, I got a little over a $100 to spend on SW stuff! I'm going to hit one store tonight and see if they still have that huge hammer coral left! Meadbhb
  19. meadbhb

    brain coral

    Hiya, Can you get a picture? Meadbhb
  20. meadbhb


    Hiya, The snails I have are more conical (pointy), so I guess I already have Astrea's. I was told the one's I bought were turbo's. The snails I was looking at were turban shaped, the shells were green in color, not coraling. The LFS said they were large mexican turbo snails. Would it be okay...