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  1. bret61081

    Has anyone heard of an African Blenny??

    Originally Posted by Mimzy oh well. I tried. hehe Thank you for trying!! I had NO IDEA how many different cool blennys there are! I think I am just gonna go with a midas though...I put one on hold was only 18$ so what the heck! he was pretty cute too!!
  2. bret61081

    Has anyone heard of an African Blenny??

    nope! I went through them all...looks exactly like the one I posted all black with the the tail being a deep yellow.
  3. bret61081

    Has anyone heard of an African Blenny??

    not even close! looks just like the one in the link Ijust posted but its tail is yellow...the owner of the store said that he only got in to his partner and one in the display tank and has never been able to get them back in. he said its been in there since last year I...
  4. bret61081

    Has anyone heard of an African Blenny??

    the closest thing I found so far is this one
  5. bret61081

    Has anyone heard of an African Blenny??

    Originally Posted by Dogstar You could try Atrosalarias fuscus, aka Highfin. The juvies are yellow and turn black with age. hmm...nope...looked it up on and its not it....I think I looked through 100 pics with no luck!!
  6. bret61081

    Has anyone heard of an African Blenny??

    There is a LFS(Fish Paradise for all of you in SOFL) that has a fish in their show tank that they call a African Blenny. its a cool little fish. It is mostly black and just the tip of its tail is yellow. Its similar to a bicolor but its much prettier. Its fin goes seemlessly all the way to...
  7. bret61081

    Clean up Crew with triggers

    Originally Posted by Gamedawg I was reading about the cleaner shrimp, and it says "The Cleaner Shrimp gladly provides this valuable service to even the fiercist predators." So, would this shrimp have a pretty good chance with a humu that is pretty docile? Would a hermit be okay, since they...
  8. bret61081

    Emperor Angel Pics

    Awesome fish! where did u get him...I see ur a local SOFLer too!
  9. bret61081

    55gal pics wanted!

    Originally Posted by JayC Nice tank! That is a huge bta. I'm thinking about getting one for my tank later down the road. Have you had good luck with yours? Does it move around alot? nope...its only oved 2x since I've had it since April....once when I first got it...and once about a month ago...
  10. bret61081

    55gal pics wanted!

    Originally Posted by Gamedawg Your trigger doesn't bother any of the shrimp or anemones or anything? problems so far. I've only had it like a month so far but shes very docile...the Bluw throat are ment to be the most reef safe. it is also still small, so when it gets bigger I have...
  11. bret61081

    Some Pics For Tonight

    awesome tank! Love all the zoos...where in FL are you! :happyfish
  12. bret61081

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    This guy is always out cruisung around on my live rock...about 2 inches or so long...I think its a fire worm or something like that but its always all over the tank!! As long as its doing no harm(that I know of) he can stay! looks kinda cool!
  13. bret61081

    55gal pics wanted! is my 55G..nothing too exciting, but a work in progress! 55G 70lps of FL live Rock 60 lps of live sand wet/dry Red sea HOB protien skimmer 8W UV serilizer 220W of light 110 white 110 blue Live stock: Large Maroon clown(thinking of trading in for something nicer and smaller!) Blue...
  14. bret61081

    My Atlantic Blue has Ick?

    Originally Posted by urluckypen Thanks~im only three months into the hobby and dont have a hospital tank? what do do about thta? Atlantic blue costed me 50.00 and hate to loose hom. I was just curious what size tank you had. I a small one while it was still yellow in my 55G that got ick...
  15. bret61081

    Fish u dont want in florida

    I assume your taking about BigAls...I havent been out there in a week or the AC still down...I have gotten a few things from them but the prices are going up up up!! they had my blue throat trigger for 59$...I got mine for 29 at exotic Aquotic off of Oakland just east of 95...and have...
  16. bret61081

    Clean up Crew with triggers

    I have a small Blue Throat trigger(2-3") and she doesn't bother any of my hermits, cleaner shrimp, pepermint shrimp, emerald crbs, snails nothing....I try and feed her atleast 2x a day so she doesn't get hungry enough to go after them! she is very doclile and so far wouldn't hurt any of the...
  17. bret61081

    xenias, and grn leather south fl

    Originally Posted by oceana i have all of the above. email me at You ever make it over this way?? St Pete is quite a ways away!! I never get over to the west coast! hehe
  18. bret61081

    xenias, and grn leather south fl

    Ft Laud here...I was looking for xenia, Blue Mushrooms or zoos...all I have now is a few frags with red mushrooms on them...let me know if your interested...
  19. bret61081

    Avoiding the Flood!

    I have a 55G as well...currently FOWLR. the W/D is a SeaLife systems 75. I left the bioballs that came with it, added teh Chemipure and left the 2nd sponge. as par as pumps it in, I have a rio 2100 to return the water to the tank. its been up and running sinceJan and is working fine. In...
  20. bret61081

    Avoiding the Flood!

    hey Spencka....I am in the same boat you are. I live on the beach so the power is always going off and on...I have a 55G with a sealife systems wet/dry. I thoguht for sure one day when I got home from work and no one had any power, that my tank would have flooded, but nope....nothing at...