Search results

  1. bret61081

    GregM779s 125G Reef 10 Months Old

    Originally Posted by balistik1 Gregg your tank is still looking great! I just got a Blue Line Trigger and it has been eating my snails non stop. Great fish but man can it clean out those shells. I have one and it hasn't touched any of my snails, shrimp, or big is it and what are...
  2. bret61081

    Leather coral

    Originally Posted by bigarn That lighting should be fine ..... put it up higher in medium flow and good luck with it. Thanks...fingers crossed :happy:
  3. bret61081

    Size...need opinion.

    Originally Posted by mandfishes i will look into it but i cant get a 55 gal to start. i will look at the tank on the website. Look on here and check your local news papers. sometimes you can pick up a while set up pretty cheap. used of course but as long as its in good condition, your good to...
  4. bret61081

    How do ya catch a fish?????

    Originally Posted by crzyfshygy i have been trying to catch a 6 line wrasse for 3 days and can not do it. I have tried several home traps and can not get it. Anyone have any creative ideas that you might have used. i will try anything except the obvious removal of 75lbs LR. :help...
  5. bret61081

    Leather coral

    Originally Posted by bigarn What kind of lighting do you have? I'd put it up higher in medium flow. 55g 220W PC I have a torch coral, several red mushrooms and a BTA that are all doing great under the lighting but they are all higher in the tank...I will try and move it to the top of the...
  6. bret61081

    Leather coral

    Yesterday I went and got some live rock from someone here on the boards. He also gave me a small leather coral, but I am not sure if its still alive. He had it in a 12G eclipse thank with the stock lighting. here isa pic of it. I put it in the sand in the front of my tank under the...
  7. bret61081

    FREE Live Stock-Ft. Lauderdale

    hey guys...sorry...I just went and got what he had!
  8. bret61081

    GregM779s 125G Reef 10 Months Old

    Beautiful tank! when are you having an open house so all of us SOFL people can come admire it!! j/k Hows the Blue Throat trigger doing? I just got a small one. So full of personality! I love it! Its jaw just started turning Blue so I hope its a far it leaves everything alone...
  9. bret61081

    Pictures of Queen Angels Please!

    Originally Posted by Perodogo Here's mine and several of his friends. Cheers. BEAUTIFUL fish perodogo...I wanna see more pics and a live stock list of the whole tank if you don't mind!! :happyfish
  10. bret61081

    Wanted: Pictures of Ghost Eels

    here is mine...I had him since the begining of May...I ordered it from one of my LSF store back in Jan when I started my tank and they never got it...but when I found a better LSF, hje found it for me...he only had one vender of the 4 he uses that had him listed and got it in 2 weeks! Since he...
  11. bret61081

    What do BTA eat?

    I feed my BTA 4-5 every few days...and cut up a large raw shrimp every week for it....but mine is huge so I have to feed it a lot to keep it happy! very cool little animals though! And once they find a spot....they don't move unles you really pi** them off! hehe!
  12. bret61081

    FREE Live Stock-Ft. Lauderdale

    I am here in Ft laud. They'll all get a good home! I'll pick them up whereever you are! just let me know, I am off all
  13. bret61081

    72 bowfront 6 1/2 months

    wow...beautiful tank!!
  14. bret61081

    Angler Pictures???

    Originally Posted by solow11 are you guys putting anglers in reef tanks? i want one so bad but was told there not acceptable for a reef. what could they eat that i'd miss? theyd eat whatever they can catch and fit in their not so little mouth!! But I've seen them in reefs but no small pretty...
  15. bret61081

    Anyone else is SOFL...

    IF anyone is SOFL wants some red mushrooms, I'll trade for something else! Looking for Blue Mushrooms or Zoos or some Xenia. If not interested in my mushrooms I'll buy! hehe! let me know... :happyfish
  16. bret61081

    Angler Pictures???

    one of the LFS here in SOFL had a yellow one and a white one...they were no bigger then an 1" a piece! they were so cute! but 55$ each!!
  17. bret61081

    Hitchhiker id Please

    Almost looks like a small cucumber...I have 2....great little sand sifters
  18. bret61081

    55gal pics wanted!

    Originally Posted by pitbull01 Bret61080, Bubble tips are exactly the opposite of most anemones. You can tell they are healthy when the tentacles are short and plump-as yours are. When they are long and stringy, they are either hungry, are upset, or not getting enough light!! It looks great!! I...
  19. bret61081

    xenias, and grn leather south fl

    Originally Posted by ad4200 contact me and we could set up a time to me I sent you an email and never heard back!!
  20. bret61081

    Pep Shrimp??

    I would say so! I only see mine when I first turn the lights on in the AM and he goes right in to a little hole behind my BTA...I thought he got eaten at first but jsut comes out at night...