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  1. goober_hunter

    acclimation for cherib angel?

    okay thanks i acculmated him for about 2 1/2 hours, i have always wanted one, i finally got him.... thanks again. josh
  2. goober_hunter

    acclimation for cherib angel?

    does anyone know how long to acclimate a cherib angel fish?
  3. goober_hunter

    everything new dies.?????

    yeah i know they get big, but my wife really wanted one, so i bought a tiny one, ill get him out when he gets bigger, he is still tiny.. like i said i acculated according to swf times then i added a hour. all is good, i guess sometimes things just dont work out the way you want them, ...
  4. goober_hunter

    everything new dies.?????

    yeah the sweet lips was an impulse buy, it was a beautiful fish, i got home found out it will grow to 24 inches long. he lived for about 4 days... he ate very well and was very active my parmeters are: ammonia: 0 ates: 0 ites:0 ph: 8.2 my tank is 55 gal t-5 lighting its about 5 months old. new...
  5. goober_hunter

    everything new dies.?????

    my problem is that, i have had my tank up for about 5 months nows, any thing new that i add has died with in 2 days. my parameters are perfect, i added a pink tip anemome "you know the cheap one" and a flame scalap, they both died 2 days later. my sweat lips died.. i didnt not add them all at...
  6. goober_hunter

    grass growing out of sand????

    cool, thanks for the help... i kinda figured that it was algea, but iam still new , so thought i would ask.. thanks.. josh
  7. goober_hunter

    grass growing out of sand????

    i have stuff growing out of my sand, kinda looks like grass, could it be a type of algea?? or type of plant...??? its growing around the bigger peices of sand... i dont know how else to describe it......
  8. goober_hunter

    Thinking of getting a tatoo.

    life savers......... i dont know, it just keeps my mind off the noise and the little bit of pain........... call it what you will???????
  9. goober_hunter

    any UFC fans? TUF 5 is gonna be good

    iam a big bj penn fan, i cant wait for him to kick some ass at the finale. looks like its going to be another exciting season.. i have been watching ufc now for about 2 years, and watching chuck liddle , has been great, i thought he would a prick to his fans, but i meet him down here in tampa...
  10. goober_hunter

    Thinking of getting a tatoo.

    well once you get on, you will be addicted, i got my first on my arm, my next on my back, then on my forarm. iam looking at getting more. let me tell you, you probaby been told tons of times, but make sure what your getting tattooed is what you really want, shop around, if its your first time...
  11. goober_hunter

    What do you wish you never added to your tank?

    i bought a orential sweetlips , not knowing that they will grow from 3 inchs to 34 inchs, but thats what happens when you buy something and dont do any research on it... beautful fish though, soon will out grow my 55...
  12. goober_hunter

    Temperature? what best level to keep at and WHY

    74, because my lighting puts off alot of heat and my house stays around 74 or so.... just easy i guess..
  13. goober_hunter

    Oriental Sweetlips help..

    yeap he going back, thanks for help, i was so confused, i feel stupid, the lfs probably not refund my money, but i have done so much busness with them, ill make them , thanks again. josh
  14. goober_hunter

    Oriental Sweetlips help..

    wow, thats crazy.... yeap thats the two fish, i dont know what to say,, i cant stop laughing at my self for buying a fish i knew little about.. i knew better.. okay, what do you think my options are?? i have a 55 gal reef. will he grow to the size of the tank??? a 55 gal cant handle 34...
  15. goober_hunter

    Oriental Sweetlips help..

    when i look up Oriental Sweetlips online it bring up a very different fish. the one on this site labeled "Oriental Sweetlips" is the on i own, he brown, white, and red, unless they change color. but everything that i was able to find says they only get 5-6 inches long, iam not say your wrong...
  16. goober_hunter

    Oriental Sweetlips help..

    i just bought a Oriental Sweetlips " the one on" but bought him from a lfs. my question is that, when he eats he holds the peace of shrimp in his mouth , but doesnt look like hes eating it. he will hold it for about 15 mins, but then drops it. he nibbles on it like he eating the shrimp...
  17. goober_hunter

    lr cover in brown algea

    okay thanks
  18. goober_hunter

    lr cover in brown algea

    okay cool.. right no i have a maxi jet 1200 in my 55 gal , yo uthink i shoud get another one????, it on the side blowing across the tank... josh