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  1. plum70rt

    Mr Chromodoris Magnifica still doing well

    I have had this Nudibranch in my tank now for 6 months now, why the great success ? Im not sure? any one have one of these guys longer than that?
  2. plum70rt

    Lowering phosphates

    Do a search on phosphates will get many answers for fixes:)
  3. plum70rt

    Plum70.... What's that phosphate/silicate remover that you use?

    New fish , yep thats what it does:) Julie , I get it at my LFS, check around online , Im sure places have it Slick , 6 months old , TDS meter reads 0 , test any RO/ DI water or even distilled you will get some phosphate readings , not enough to cause any problems, its the feedings that do it...
  4. plum70rt

    Green Carpet Anemone

    Any LFS should carry them , Silversides or lancefish come in frozen packs, just defrost them as needed:)
  5. plum70rt

    Green Carpet Anemone

    Scallops, wow gourmet food, eat the scallops yourself, feed the anemone silversides, mine love em:)
  6. plum70rt

    Plum70.... What's that phosphate/silicate remover that you use?

    I use 50ml of this liquid every 2 weeks and phosphates are not measurable, Slick, I use Ro/ DI even Ro/DI water has slight phoshates , but they occur by feeding a bit much, my fish are always hungrey and target feeding corals seem to raise the level since I bomb the tank with nutrient rich foods
  7. plum70rt

    for the people that don't make it to the AGG forum.."short Tessy vids

    cool , how come he dont eat that shrimp in there with him?
  8. plum70rt

    Plum70.... What's that phosphate/silicate remover that you use?

    I use Salifert Phosphate Eliminator, I get the 16.9 bottle for 17.00 here is what the bottle states phosphate eliminator binds phosphate and is removed by skimming more effectivly than normal when we dose it to the reef or marine aquarium, it imediatly makes phosphate unavailable to algae, it...
  9. plum70rt

    Raising Salt Levels?

    My thoughts are whatever works for you stay with it, the only reason I want to raise my SG is that I started at 1025 then it dropped to 1022, probably due to salt creep,and when I clean my skimmer and sump, I just want to maintain the level I was at, I know the fish dont mind it , but the...
  10. plum70rt

    Raising Salt Levels?

    Great , Thanks, Now how much instant ocean to add to 1 gallon to get 1025 salinity?
  11. plum70rt


    I use a dolphin pump, works great so far, no leaks, restarts fine, going on 7 months up now, tremendous flow,:)
  12. plum70rt

    Raising Salt Levels?

    I would like to raise my salinity a little, Im at 1022 like to be at 1025, since I dont change water I must lose a little to salt creep, how much can I add with out disturbing the corals and critters too much?
  13. plum70rt

    carpet anmonie ?

    Do a search on carpet anemones you will get lots of info, I have one, he has killed a coral in my tank, you got to watch them also you must have great water and good light, and there is no gaurantee that your clown will take to it , my clowns dont ever look at mine
  14. plum70rt

    anyway around not using a R/O system

    use a phosphate remover,:)
  15. plum70rt

    Do you run carbon in your reef tank?

    I use Chemi Pure , Change it every 2 months,
  16. plum70rt

    what is my anenome doing?

    they do that sometimes, Deflate and blow up, where did you move it to? was it in the same spot a long time?
  17. plum70rt

    what is my anenome doing?

    is that a LTA?,
  18. plum70rt

    OT: Sorry guys.......

    I thought you just blew me off:eek:
  19. plum70rt

    My stuff arrived dead

    Originally posted by travis truman I already tossed the fish..........I shoulda saved him yes, read the 6 day guarantee,
  20. plum70rt

    My stuff arrived dead

    contact them , they will want the DOA stuff back, you will get a credit on your next order