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  1. melbournefl

    Will copper meds kill the bacteria in LR

    It's my understanding that that's a big yes sir but then again I've been wrong before. Later, Paul
  2. melbournefl


    Bio balls are actually small multi-surfaced objects that provide massive "substrate" for the development of beneficial bacteria, usually run in a wet/dry filter. They were developed before the major change to reef aquarium keeping ... Live Rock and Live Sand, both of which you already have in...
  3. melbournefl

    Ok You Guys Told Me So ....

    well the mag-7 is about 5x5x5 in round numbers. Actually it's 4.5 in two of the dimensions which can vary because the pump can be mounted on any of the 4 sides so it depends on how you mount it HTH Later, Paul
  4. melbournefl


    What is/was the Ph and water temp? Both effect the level of toxic ammonia. 1.2 is completely out of bounds and I tend to think that that *might* be either a typo or something pertaining to fresh water tanks. Just my .02 of course, Paul
  5. melbournefl

    New Black Volitan Lion...what to do?

    I don't think it's a FW pathogen that's the problem. From what I've read, the biggest problem in using FW feeder fish is the high fat content. Not good for SW fish, not a part of their natural diet. Just my .02 of course ;) Later, Paul
  6. melbournefl

    fans? must canopy be enclosed?

    Just a little side note ... the European's have been setting up "open" aquariums for years with great success. The preferred reef lighting over there is now Mh pendents hanging over the tank. Just a little tid-bit I've picked up while crawling through the web. Later, Paul
  7. melbournefl

    Head Pressure and Pump Location

    Thanks Broomer, you have a GREAT holiday :D Hope Santa brings you and your's everything you want! I'll try to come up with some more "mind teasers" for you to work on. Later, Paul
  8. melbournefl

    Head Pressure and Pump Location

    Here are the 4 return lines (and a bunch of other lines I might add) LOL
  9. melbournefl

    Head Pressure and Pump Location

    Your pic is close but ... move the bulkhead feeding the pump to the bottom of the tank and move the return to the bottom also. There is no siphon needed to start the flow of water, gravity does that on it's own. BTW here's a pic of the "return" portion of the closed loop. What you can't see from...
  10. melbournefl

    Head Pressure and Pump Location

    LOL broomer you know I *live* to keep you on your toes bud! Enjoy the coffee and explain to me why you're up and posting at this time of the morning hehehehe Later, Paul
  11. melbournefl

    what's closed loop?

    a closed loop is simply water leaving the tank via one bulkhead, going to the pump and returning via another bulkhead. It's used strictly for circulation and the reason I use it is that 1) I didn't want a bunch of powerheads in the tank (looks) 2) I didn't want a bunch of powerheads in the tank...
  12. melbournefl

    yet another cycle question

    LOL okay thanks again, now the burning question is, "what the hell is Broomer doing signed on the board at 3am his time?" No wait, what the hell am I doing signed on the board at 5am my time? Later, Paul (the shrimp's in the sump, down right by the pump)
  13. melbournefl

    Head Pressure and Pump Location

    closed loop circulation simply means that the water leaves through one bulkhead, goes to the pump and returns via another bulkhead. It's used strictly for circulation. It differs from a standard overflow and return system in that the water from the tank is never "dumped" anywhere, just stays in...
  14. melbournefl

    yet another cycle question

    okay, it's settled then, unless of course, broomer jumps in here and tells me I'm outta' my mind LOL thanks all, my marriage survives yet another crisis :D Later, Paul
  15. melbournefl

    yet another cycle question

    although this one is much more mundane than my last (and probably will be regarded as a bit silly to many here) ... Is there any reason I can't start my cycle with the shrimp in a small filter "bag" placed in the sump? My wife is going nuts at the thought of staring at rotting shrimp in the...
  16. melbournefl

    Head Pressure and Pump Location

    I have a closed loop circulation system on my 220 (in process) and am running out of room for the pumps LOL ... my question regards something I *think* I read years ago about head pressure and pumps. If I my input & output lines are both at an equal height, can I put the pump lower than the tank...
  17. melbournefl


    Aquatic Eco-Systems, Inc. sells the Sweetwater brand 2-part epoxy in a variety of colors, I think that's what you were looking for. HTH Later, Paul
  18. melbournefl

    Lower Watt MH

    Yes that would work just fine. I assume this is because you want to utilize a pendent or fixture you already have? Later, Paul
  19. melbournefl

    "the theory of the cycle"

    OH heck nevermind, mute point now. My boychildmonsterfromhell (15) just came home with his hair permed and wanting a tatoo :eek: so I've decided to toss him in the tank and be done with it! If that doesn't prepare the tank for a huge bioload nothing will. But it was an interesting discussion...
  20. melbournefl

    Where to get egg crate?

    In the lighting section of either Home Depot or Lowes, it's sold in 2'x4' sheets and easy to work with. HTH Later, Paul